Wow....I just got back from the Dr.'s office and my face is still a little red. I had my first "full, all-over, and meticulous" body examination for skin cancer. Since I had the cancer removed from my nose in the spring, I now have to go every six months for this in depth looking over. I have had multiple knee surgeries and other intrusive things like a colonoscopy. However, I was sleeping for those procedures.
Not this morning....I was wide awake as every inch of my body was examined with a careful eye. The male doctor did the looking and verbally dictated to the female assistant everything he was seeing and checking. I am not a shy person by any means but that was a little weird! However, it is very necessary for early detection of basil and melanoma cancer cells.
In the same manner and for the same reasons, I have spent the last two months doing a full examination of the "body" we call Charlotte South Fellowship. I have been praying and looking over everything we do as a staff, volunteers and the like. A close examination of our how we are fulfilling our Purpose and Game Plan. Are we doing our best? Are we moving at a God-honoring pace? Are there things that need to stop happening or maybe start happening so that we can be as healthy as possible.
The worst thing a church can do is think they have arrived and that they are as proficient, skilled and as high quality as they can possible be. A good "looking over" at every inch of our "church body" prevents small and normal issues from becoming large. More specifically, it makes sure that we stay laser focused on our Purpose and Game Plan with a passion and excellence in our process.
After this "examination" was concluded I determined we needed to make some changes in our staff and their responsibilities, our short and long range planning for church planting, our budget process and a few other things that will ensure a better and more healthy CSF in 2008 and beyond. Although we have no glaring issues, I realize that for us to continue to grow and make a positive impact here and around the world, we must make some strategic plans and changes.
Please plan to join us on January 9th at our Fellowship Service as I share with our Fellowship these exciting growth-oriented changes. This is also the night we will share our 2008 operating budget.