About five minutes into my message yesterday I could feel the tension and sensed that many people were thinking..."he is talking right to me AND I don't want to really hear this!" I know I threw you a Christmas Curve ball. It was not a fun little cute Christmas message to kick off the season. However, as I said yesterday, it was very needed by all of us if we are to fully enjoy the reality and wonder of Christmas as a person and family.
By the end of the message I could tell that many people had come full circle and were glad to have heard the truthful message and were ready to do the hard work of forgiveness about some negative past Christmas experiences. The End Zone was full of people after each service sharing with me that they were thankful for the message and they knew they needed to hear it and do something about it. I have already received a bunch of emails about the impact the message had on people.
As a reminder, here is what we all need to do with those negative Christmas experiences:
1) Be honest about any and all negative Christmas experiences we have had.
2) Express your true feelings about the situation and the people you see as being responsible.
3) Forgive all those who were involved in creating this negative Christmas experience.
Also, remember.....True Forgiveness is: The act of setting someone free from an obligation to you that is a result of a wrong done against you!
Also, remember the message is FREE on-line on our web page. Also, this tool is a great way to invite people next week. Have them listen to the message from yesterday and then come to hear about the next thing on our Adult Christmas List...Enjoying Christmas Present!