Let me ask you a very basic question....
Do you have friends, co-workers or neighbors that do not attend any church on a regular basis? Do you know if they have given their life to Christ and are Christians?
If you do have people in your life like that, then you have a great chance to make a huge eternal difference in their lives this Christmas season. Statistics show that unchurched and non-Christian people are more willing to attend a church service during this time of the year. In America, the Christmas story of Jesus and His birth is accepted and celebrated in our Christmas cartoons, movies and discussions about the event we celebrate.
We have creatively designed our Christmas series to be one that is a wonderful blessing and declaration of our faith as Christians. The worship, decorations and teaching is directly centered of course around the story and meaning of Christmas so that as Christians we can enjoy this special time of the year. However, the series has also been specially designed to be a source of help and spiritual encouragement to all people who may be struggling during this time of the year in different aspects of their life. This would be especially true for the people you know who do not attend church anywhere.
For many, December is a month of loneliness, depressive feelings, financial unrest and even family/marriage struggles. These people, like all of us, have internal Christmas wishes that they wish would come true during this time of year.
Let's all plan to reach out and invite someone to join us at CSF on Sunday's during the Christmas Season! The name of our series is "My Grown-up Christmas list!"
Remember we have three identical services to choose from: 9, 10:30 and 12.
The message is simple but so life changing:
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Decide today who it is that you need to share this life changing message with and be sure to invite them!