Every year as a Fellowship we use the month of December to give a special offering that we call our Year End Gift. Our Year-End-Gift gives us a real and practical opportunity to focus on what is most important and to then give sacrificially at a time when so many are concerned about what they are receiving.
Each year we present to you needs we have as a Fellowship or the needs of others that we would like to help meet that are not covered by our normal operating general budget. These needs are not budgeted and would go unmet if not for the Year End Gift.
We have documented this year's needs in a letter that was sent to our entire Fellowship. Will you begin to pray about what God may be leading you to give as a gift? The financial gift you give is over and above what you normally give and is given before the end of the year. All gifts...Cash, stock, "gifts in kind" that are designated Year End Gift will go directly to this annual gift and will be tax deductible for 2007.
We truly believe that if every person and family will pray and then give something to this special gift, then we will hit our stated goal of $57,000. It will take everyone giving something.....but that is what defines a Fellowship. Everyone coming together as a team to do more as a group than we could ever do alone.
The purpose of the Year End Gift is for you to pray and then give a GIFT back to God that expresses your thankfulness for his blessings to you and your family. Giving over and above during this time of year can be challenging as we feel like we need to save up for ourselves and our family. The Year End Gift is designed to help you keep your financial priorities in line with God's will for your life.
Thanks in advance for your prayers and gifts!
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 "Each person (family) should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is able to make all Grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
This Christmas Season at CSF is going to be Awesome!