What do these people have in common?
Robert Blanton: High School Senior at Butler High School who has accepted an invitation to play in the prestigious Army National High School All-Star football game in January. He has also accepted a scholarship offer from Notre Dame. He is a wonderful Christian young man that attends the weekly chapel I lead at Butler High.
Steve Israel: Former NFL player who played for the Panthers and 3 other teams in his 10 year career. He currently is the College football analyst for ESPNU and also teaches Sunday School at his church here in Charlotte.
Scott Farley: Former NFL player who won a Super Bowl Ring with the Patriots and also spent 2 years as a Carolina Panther. He currently is the Athletic Director at the new Queens Grant High School here in the south Charlotte area.
What do they have in common?
All three of these men spoke to over 800 people at the MARA football banquets we hosted and I was the MC for this week. It was a great way for CSF to serve a local community organization that strives to help shape young boys and girls into quality young adults. Each of these men shared their personal stories of success, failure and determination. They shared about hard work, dedication, academic importance and even the fact that Jesus Christ is first in their lives and that HE is the highest priority that they live for.
This week was a week that showed our value as a Fellowship. We have built a facility and designed our philosophy of ministry to support and encourage our public schools and sports organizations. We have done this instead of starting our own Christian sports leagues and schools. This week proved to be a week where hundreds of people were honored, served and saw Christ in us as much as they heard it.
Our CSF Staff and volunteers did a great job!
Great Job CSF!
Grab a friend...........see you Sunday!