Anyone who has ever raised a child or has worked with children knows one important thing. To really help a child grow and learn takes consistency by an adult in their life in whatever setting they are experiencing. Parents, teachers, coaches and even mentors need to be there and help them to navigate the challenges they face on a regular basis. There has to be a relational consistency in their life.
This fact is very true for the purpose and vision we have for each of our kids in our All-Stars children's ministry. This is especially true in the 1-5th graders who meet upstairs. They need their Home Team leaders and other volunteers to be consistent in their attendance as leaders.
Our new dynamic All-Star Team team of Stacey Sutton, Leah Prasse and Clint Newton have made our children's ministry a wonderful place for our kids to learn and have fun. However, our 1st-5th grades are in need of adult volunteers who will make a weekly commitment to a specific service.
Having a new adult Home Team leader each week leading their group is not the BEST for our kids. Plain and simple, we need more people to step up and volunteer upstairs. Last week we had our highest attendance in 1st-5th grade. The kids are loving the exciting teaching gifts and high energy presentation of Mr. Clint. They love breaking into smaller groups...however, we don't have enough adults who are willing to be trained and then prepare each week to lead a group. The Home Team groups have too many kids for them to be the BEST they can be.
Will you pray about serving on a consistent basis in our All-Star Children's ministry?
Also, Parents, I can't stress this enough....YOU need to have YOUR child here on a consistent basis. Coming on Sunday once a month and or even twice a not the BEST for you or your family. The kid's lessons build on each other and your child learns more and grows more when they are here each week. What would happen to your child's reading, math or language art skills if they only went to school 50% of the time?
Is their spiritual life any different? The Bible says we are to train our kids in the things of God on a daily basis. It can't be just a Sunday it really can't be just a two times a month deal.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.