There are two types of motivations....the "why we do something."
Extrinsic and Intrinsic are both valid motivations for doing something great and giving your best effort. However, the end result and the effect it has on you as a person is vastly different.
Extrinsic motivations are things like: Getting good grades, winning athletic competitions, making more money and having the best Christmas lights in the neighborhood. All these things are seen and measured by the external world around us and therefore give us a personal feeling of success, recognition, power and status.
Intrinsic motivations, on the other hand, are derived from your sense of the meaning or purpose of your life. These are things like: Personal growth, helping others succeed, making a positive impact on others in your world and finding meaning in your life through your efforts in touching lives of people that do not impact your personal External world.
Intrinsic motivations are more subtle and are linked up with your personal passions. Jesus was motivated by the Intrinsic meanings of His life and not the External measurable ones. It is why he always taught that it was better to give than receive. He did not say it was bad to receive...but it was better to give. Jesus understood the way Intrinsic motivations can change our soul and give us the best life possible.
Someone asked me the other day...."Why will CSF be celebrating after the Year End Gift?" I replied....because for us to hit our Year End Gift Goal, it will take many CSF people giving something of financial significance for them. They will need to look past the External motivations and give out of Intrinsic motivations.
If everyone sees the Intrinsic value of giving so that as a Fellowship we hit our goal....then we will have hundreds of people who will have tapped into the giving values of Jesus and the only one that can make you truly celebrate from the inside out.
My prayer is that you won't want to miss this end of the year CSF celebration!
Acts 20:35 "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, (Intrinsic Motivation) as we remember the words of Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive!"