At 3 am this morning I woke up with my head spinning. I have had this experience once before and the Dr. called it vertigo. By 6am I felt like I was on a small ship in very large waves. Finally, after taking a drug called "Bonnie" that is designed for motion sickness....I felt like the waves were stilled and my head stopped spinning.
I apologize for being 20 minutes late on the promised BLOG out by 10am....a little grace please!
While laying in my bed with my head spinning I thought about things at CSF that make my head spin in amazement. Here is the short list:
1) My head spins when I think about how where CSF started and how He has used the dream of a few people with big hearts and unbridled passion to accomplish His will at CSF.
2) My head spins when I see volunteers show up three times a week to clean our bathrooms, floors, and the entire facility. We do not pay for cleaning services at CSF and our place is never dirty! (This concept of not hiring a cleaning service is very uncommon in suburban churches)
3) My head spins when I hear how great our band sounds every week and realize they are ALL volunteers. (of course KC is our paid worship leader) No hired band guns that are here just picking up a paycheck.
4) My head spins when I see 80 adults show up last night to THRIVE so that they can deepen their knowledge, sharpen their skills and become PLAYERS in the real game called life.
5) My head spins when I see people parking far away from our building so that guest can have the best parking spots.
6) My head spins when I hear about a single mom who lives on much less than most at CSF but she tithes 10% of her income every month in obedience to our heavenly father.
7) My head spins when I see the hundreds of changed lives at CSF because they have put their trust in Jesus Christ.
8) My head spins when I hear about the hundreds of volunteers that it takes to make our children's and student ministry a place that kids LOVE to be and a place that leads them to Jesus Christ.
9) My head spins when I think about our vision for the next 16 months and how big of a challenge it is for us as a fellowship....but how many lives will be connected to God and impacted when we accomplish the goals God has set before us.
10) This one is for you to fill in......think about what it is that you do at CSF that is so extraordinary that it would make someones head spin????