"It Is A Jeep Thing...You Wouldn't Understand" is a favorite bumper sticker that Jeep lovers put on their Jeep Wranglers. I have owned my Jeep for two and a half years now. The funniest thing is that when you are driving a Jeep Wrangler you have instant friends and fellowship with other people. The first few times it happened...I wondered, "what are these people doing?"
It does not matter where I am driving, when I pass another Jeep, they wave! It took me a few times to realize that if you drive a Jeep...their is code of honor. You wave to other Jeep drivers...no questions asked. You may not know who they are...you wave. You may be in a hurry....you wave. Your arm may be broke and you steering with your knees...you wave. I am no longer out of the loop...."I am in the know!"
Jeep owners have their code, picnics, camp-outs, clubs, and much more. I never knew this about Jeep people. I just wanted something that I thought looked cool, I could take the top off and I could go off road and have some fun. Who knew....I do now. I am one of the "few" now....I drive a Jeep Wrangler. I am no longer out of the loop. I understand what it means to be a Jeep owner.
This Wednesday night at CSF we will have our Vision night. I will be sharing with everyone the direction we are specifically going over the next 16 months as we begin gearing up for the next journey at CSF. I will reveal some cool stuff that CSF will be doing that we have never done before. I will share with you how you can be "in the know" at CSF. YOU need to come so that when people are talking around CSF and around town talking about what YOUR FELLOWSHIP is doing...you understand...you know the code...you are informed.
Their is more to Fellowship than just attending on Sunday. Come hear how we plan to continue our "Journey Of Impact" in our city and beyond. Come and hear so you can be a part of the inner workings and dream....not just a spectator wondering, "What are these people doing?"