There is a new show coming on TV this fall called Kid Nation. I won't watch it. I do not have to watch a bunch of kids terrorizing a place....I have three at home. Moreover, every Sunday in our All-Stars children's ministry area we have an over run of kids that makes our church look like Kid Nation.
This brings me to quick observation and two questions that I have for you.
Our All-Star Children's Ministry was packed on Sunday morning in the two early services. This was especially true upstairs and downstairs during the 10:30 service.
If you are new to CSF or currently not on a service team and you are looking for a great place to make an impact that will last a lifetime, please check with Mrs. Chick or Leah Prasse in the All-Stars kids area on Sunday morning. We are in need of more people to serve in this exciting and rewarding ministry.
Also, we need families who have kids that are Newborn - Kindergarten to make a commitment to attend the noon Encounter Service. We need to make room at the 10:30 service for new people who are coming and to reduce the crowded rooms that are full of little kids even without adding any more new people. This is a great challnege to be facing....but we must face it.
The noon service is the exact same as the other services. Moreover, as a CSF Player you can park next to the building in the best parking spots we have! This makes it easy with the kids!
I could go on and on about some advantages that you would have if you were to commit to the noon service. However, the best advantage is that you would be making a bold personal choice to put others first so that they could have room to listen to the saving message of Christ. A chance to get their families connected to our Fellowship.
You would have the opportunity to put others first and help kill the ME monster that so many Christians have today.....they think being in Fellowship is all about ME and what is best for ME and getting MY needs met first. New Testament Fellowship is about WE teaming up and being focused on those who have yet to hear and see!
Thanks in advance for helping us reach and impact more people!