This Sunday we will be asking the question "what would Jesus say to Tom Cruise?" As most people know, Tom Cruise is a follower of Scientology. In preparing for my message this week, I have had to do some research on his beliefs. Wow......
I will be using Tom's statements about his beliefs and some other things that he has said to propose what I believe Jesus would say to him. Should be very interesting.
What do your friends, who are not Christians, believe? Do you know what religion they follow? How do they answer these questions:
Who am I? Where did I come from? What happens when I die?
If you think your friends are not interested in those things....just ask them. You would be surprised what they do and do not believe. Here is a question for you.....If your friend does have a belief that is different than what we know the Bible teaches and goes contrary to Christian beliefs, would you even know it? Could you defend your faith and your beliefs in an intelligent way? Remember...saying, That is just what I was told, is not a good answer.
Do you know why you believe what you believe? If not, I would challenge you to begin to read and study on your own some of the basic beliefs of Christianity and how they are differ from other religious beliefs.
Also, be looking for this type of World Religions class at our next THRIVE classes.