Monday, October 1, 2007

A funeral with a purpose!

On Saturday night family, friends and our Fellowship said good-bye to Luis Lizarazo. His funeral service was a time to honor a life well lived. Luis was a great example of the teachable principle I shared with throughout our last message series. "People will talk about you when you are will determine what they say, while you are here!"

People talked about his service, in the cafe on Sunday and around town. Everything they said, was positive and honoring to a man who lived a short but very "people impacting life." Luis left a fine legacy for his 6th grade son to follow.

I was personally moved when Luis's father in-law got up to speak. Here are some of the points he made as his entire address was directed at our Fellowship.

* He said that in the last 7 days he discovered why his daughter's family had made CSF their home. He was blown away by the love and support from Luis's Home Team and the Care Team at CSF.

* He said that Luis would have only felt comfortable at a church like CSF..that is why they first came as INVITED GUESTS and then he received Christ.

* He was amazed at the way that Luis grew in his faith and had even become a Home Team leader.

* He asked CSF to always stay the way we are as we reach out to those who are unchurched and not Christians. He asked us that even as we grow that we should never lose the relational feel that Luis loved so much and that had help his family in a time of need.

I left Saturday with a peaceful assurance that CSF was on track and doing exactly what we have been called to do. There are many churches in the South Charlotte area. We have a mandate from God to reach out to those who have never heard or have never been to church!

I was never more proud of our Fellowship than I was Saturday night! Great Job!