Yesterday was another great day at CSF! I heard that the cafe was a-buzz with people talking about Ghosts and the afterlife. We had more people come up to me in the End-Zone and discuss the topic than ever before. I also thought the band did a great job with the song, "Dead Man's Party"; it was cool and set the tone for the very ghostly message I gave. We set all time record with our middle school attendance at 4:12 over in the warehouse. Yes Sunday was a great day.....BUT!
BUT....during the 10:30 Encounter Service we had to close two rooms downstairs in the toddler area. Why? we were over crowded. We had to turn people away and they were forced to sit in the Adult Service with fidgety toddlers. Not good for them...not good for the people sitting around them. Moreover, some of the families just took their kids and left. OUCH!
I have a passionate clarion call for our CSF Players who have toddlers. Please come the 9am or noon Encounter Service! If you have older kids (1-5th grade) you will need to come to the 9am service as we don't offer that age group yet at the noon service. However, our Pre-School director has told me that many of the toddlers at the 10:30 service do not have siblings who are older and could come to the noon service.
The people who were not able to leave their kids were not regular attendees at CSF. I am not sure if they had been before or are Christians. I hope they will be back!
Reaching people is a team effort. We have volunteers who are here to serve you at 9 and noon.....please be a part of the CSF Team by coming to one of those services.