This past Sunday's talk opened some eyes. I have been flooded with emails or have been told personally face to face about the impact the message has had and the conversations between husband and wives that began after the service on Sunday.
"best message ever!"
"I realize that I lost respect for my husband years ago!"
"now it makes sense of why this person's marriage failed...she was always saying how she did not even need her husband. She told everyone she was self-sufficient"
"I stopped trying to get admiration at home a long time ago....that is why I work so much."
"men today don't act like men....they are weak!"
"I made a mistake by being one of those mom's who never let my son take a risk, be competitive and just be a boy."
"It is so true, we tell ourselves we are all winners and that failure should be avoided. That kills a man's natural desire to prove himself."
"Do I measure up? I never realized that this was a God-given drive that was in me...I just thought I was weird."
This coming Sunday we will smash more culturally poor teachings when it comes to men and the WILD urges we have. I know I have stirred the pot with some of the things I have said....but I believe they are true and part of the issues with boys and men we see today in our culture.
Here is a "wisdom statement" I read this morning about getting up and getting a move on...Proverbs 26:14 "As a door turns on it's hinges, so a sluggard turns in his bed."
Get up...get moving....change the world!