Can you believe the massive out of control fires in Southern California? WOW! It is very sad and could get worse over the next day or two! Unlike the normal fires California gets every year in the mountain areas, this inferno is ripping through the San Diego suburbs. Million dollar homes are being hit with smoldering hot embers and are gone within minutes. The amazing thing is that the wind is blowing this fire through neighborhoods and one house will be gone while the houses on either side are not even touched.
Every time something like this happens the people who lose everything basically say the same type of thing: "Everything we had, everything we worked for, gone." These people are devastated and they have every right to be.
These kinds of tragic occurrences are a helpful reminder that "Stuff" is just is stuff. It can be taken away in a minute. If we put our hope, dreams, self esteem and happiness into "stuff" then we can be completely depressed and hopeless in minutes....if we lose it all.
Matthew 6:19-21
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where month and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where month and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is there will your heart will be also."
This is a great reminder for us at CSF. Where do we put most of our time and energy? We can say all the right things and many of you "right now" thought the correct Christian answer. However, conduct a personal investigation and let this verse sink in your heart. What we really treasure is where we will find our heart's greatest passion. That can be found by asking yourself these questions:
1) Where do I spend most of my "non-work time"?
2) Where do I spend my money?
3) Where do I put most of my passionate energy?
Only one thing last forever...that is people and the eternal impact you have on them.
What Do You "Really" Treasure?....your heart knows!