Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Big IF

I have been reading in 1 Kings about King Solomon. Here is a person just like me and you! No the story. God promises him that he will have a successful kingdom and be known as a great King just like his dad, king David. However, the chapters that tell Solomon all the great things God wants to do in his life are full of the word "if".
  • If you walk in my ways
  • If you you walk in integrity
  • If you you follow my commands
  • If you don't serve and worship other Gods
Solomon is known for his wisdom that he gave to others and sometimes lived by....he just did not always act wisely himself. Just like I do many times in my life, he did not heed the words of God when God says that IF we choose poorly, we will reap the consequences and not experience God's best.

As Christians we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking that all things are going to work out and God is going to do what God is going to do. We train ourselves to think that our actions both good or bad will not matter. It does........It matters a whole lot. You and I have choices to make everyday. The choices we make will help shape the life we live and experience.

The same is true with our Fellowship! Let me leave you with this thought and statement: "This Sunday will be an amazing Sunday as we have our Behind The Music Concert. Many people who are disconnected from God and a local church can really be touched by this service in ways that will last for eternity. Many new people will come and have a great experience. This can happen......"
  • If the Players at CSF pray specifically for this day!
  • If the Players at CSF purposefully invite new people to come!
  • If the Players at CSF give our guests the best parking and seating.
  • If the Band has practiced and is ready to give their best effort.
  • If the Tech Team has practiced and is ready.
  • If the Staff has prayed and prepared our hearts and lives to be used by God.
  • If the Nursery workers show up on time and serve with a passion.
  • If the Host Team and Parking Team show up on time and do their best.
  • If CSF regular attendees choose to come to the 9 or 12 service to leave as much room as possible for the 10:30 service.
  • If the Players at CSF are purposeful about greeting and meeting new people who may not know what to do or where to go.
As you can tell.....this Sunday and every Sunday is about us all serving together as a committed team. Great and impacting services just don't happen. Most people who don't normally go to church, just don't appear here on Sunday. God is always looking for people who will commit and then be willing to be used in amazing ways.

Of course, we could do all of these things and a hurricane could still blow through and mess up the day. There are always things that could happen that we can not control. That is not our issue. God is responsible for those things.

However, it is up to us as individuals to be responsible and can control what we can choose to do. That is just the way God works in our world. These next few weeks at CSF have the potential to be our largest impact ever! If..............