Churches, like sports teams, are full of people who are on the Team but they are not Players who impact the game. The are bench sitters. Unlike sports, to be a Player on God's team is not based on ability or a coaches view of you. God has gifted and asked that all Christians be fully-devoted followers of Christ who are making an impact in their world. They impact this game we call life.
Being a player is not based on ability or the amount of time one has been on God's team. It is based on your availability and your to choice to be obedient or not. does the Bible describe a fully-devoted follower of Christ? What is the heart of a Player? At CSF we call these Biblical descriptions the Six S's. We took the descriptions and made them S words for ease in remembering them.
Salvation: Accepting God's grace through Jesus Christ, which leads to Salvation and eternal life. (Ephesians 2:8-9) You can't be a player unless you first join the team!
Spiritual Growth: The ongoing evidence of a life being reoriented around Christ and the truth of the Bible. (2 Peter 3:18) This is a commitment to Bible Study, Prayer and continued growth in your beliefs. Not perfection....just a life that is oriented for growth.
Significant Relationships: Participation in the life of the body of Christ and connection in authentic relationships. (Acts 2:46) We all need to be relationships with others where we are giving and receiving love, care and biblical fellowship.
Serving: Serving Christ's body, the church, according to your God given gifts and passions. (Romans 12:6-8) If you don't serve can't make an impact. Their are many ways to serve....we must choose to do it.
Stewardship: Honoring God with your financial resources through tithing. (1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2 Cor. 6-12) The Bible is clear on this one...full devotion means we trust God with our finances and give as He has directed.
Sharing: Participating in helping to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to those who do not know or believe. (2 Cor. 5:18-21) People are God's highest priority. We are commanded to share God's salvation message with others.
Very few people do all these well all the time. However, our hearts desire and life orientation should be to have each of these as constants in our life. We are to be obedient and find joy in that...then leave the results up to God!
I hope each Christian at CSF will take serious the call of the One who saved us to be a impact player.
See you Sunday....