This past Sunday I taught on the Philippians 3:7-14. We learned that the Prize Paul was straining toward was not salvation. He already had that and he knew full well that salvation is a gift of grace from God and it is not anything we have to earn, work hard for or sweat for to obtain.
Paul was talking about the Prize of being all he could be for Christ in this...his one and only life. He wanted his sacrifice for others to be passionate as Christ's ha been for him. He wanted to get to the end of the game of life and know he had not stopped and that he had pressed on toward toward the high calling God had placed on his life.
Paul also said in that passage that he knew what was the greatest thing..."the one thing I do" that he should be giving his life to. Do you know what is the greatest thing in your life. That "one thing" you press toward? What will that "one thing" bring you? Will the results last forever?
In his new book, Quiet Strength, Head Football Coach of the Indianapolis Colts Tony Dungy said this to end his book:
"I coach football. But the good I can do to glorify God along the way is my real purpose. I want to help people see the path to eternal life through Christ, to enjoy the abundant life now, and to fulfill their God-given purpose here."
What about you? I know for me and CSF...our greatest purpose lines up with the Paul and Tony Dungy.....that is great company!