Okay...one more day until I start for real "our" BLOG. I use the word "our" because it will be more about us as a Fellowship than it will be about me specifically.
For the last 7 years I have sent out a weekly Chalk Talk that was designed to communicate what was happening at CSF and more specifically to communicate to the Players and Coaches at CSF about vision, our purpose and the game plan to achieve the those two things. Starting Wednesday, we will still send out a weekly CSF update. This, however, will be more for information to keep you aware of things going on at CSF. It will also have our weekly Box Score section and running calendar.
The weekly update will have a link to the BLOG and the BLOG links to the weekly update. The BLOG will be daily (M-F) and will be its own site.
What about comments on the BLOG. You will have the ability to comment and communicate back to me and other people about what I said...or what you thought I said..HA HA
However, I will not be responding to the comments. I don't have that kind of desire or time. Moreover, BLOGS and chat rooms are filled with people arguing and debating via the comfort and safety of their computer. I have discovered that people are way more daring, confident and critical when they are not speaking face to face.
My hopes and prayers is that this BLOG venture will be productive, insightful and help the people of CSF move faster toward our Purpose as a Fellowship: "To be a Fellowship that is devoted to Jesus Christ and passionate about impacting our world."
Tomorrow we start for real.....