Yesterday we sent out the weekly Chalk Talk News Update. On it we said that "Kenny's Blog is M- F up by 10am..." Figures, that this morning when I come in to type it up and have it out by 7:30am that our computer system goes down. We are just now up and running again.
That technological mishap is also exactly what I was talking about yesterday. When I said their are some things only God can control. We are responsible for what we can do....and we will be held accountable. That is always my luck....I mention something that could go wrong and WHAM!
Yesterday morning I even studied with the young man I meet with James 4:13-14 which says:
"Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, If it is the Lord's will we will live and do this or that!"
I never learn....those morning Bible times always come into play during the day. What the weekly Chalk Talk should have said was...If the Lord wills the Blog will be M-F and up by 10am!
Have you ever noticed how great our campus looks every day of every week? It is because we have a team of volunteers on our GREEN Team that work hard to keep it that way. Tomorrow morning that group will be out here again. They are spreading mulch, trimming trees, cleaning up and getting everything ready for our Behind The Music service. If you would like to come meet a great group of CSF people and enjoy that kind of service...then Clint would love to have you come and join them. They will be here from 7am - 10:30am.
We all have different gifts and passions. Hundreds of people serve every week to help CSF impact our city. From rocking babies, serving in the homeless shelters, serving in our public schools, playing in the band to spreading mulch....CSF is about Fellowship. Doing things together for the cause of Christ.
Speaking of public schools.....say a prayer for our student ministry volunteers tonight and staff. We are hosting the Porter Ridge Varsity football team in the main auditorium for pre-game dinner and I will be sharing the devotion. Their will be 60 high school boys here hearing about the acceptance and love of Christ.