Five weeks ago I challenged all those who call CSF home to pray about giving toward the purchase of a new sound system and speakers. This was a huge need because we were still using our portable system from our days as a portable Fellowship. The old speakers were breaking down and worse yet, we had to have them on the stage....which meant they were in your face if you sat up front.
No one wanted to sit up front and get blown away by the music! I could not blame was bad! However, as of this coming Sunday, those days are over! Our new sound system and speakers arrive this week, and will be hung high in the ceiling for complete surround sound excellence that is powerful but not over-bearing. Thanks to about 40 families who prayed and then gave as we raised $45,000 in 5 weeks and were able to secure our new speakers! That is awesome and it shows what God can do when we have people who are willing to trust Him and "Bet The Farm." I am so proud of the fact that at CSF we can be challenged to be fully-devoted followers in every aspect of our lives....even in the one that makes many of us cringe.....our finances. When it comes to praying and giving, I love the fact that many people at CSF are living out the truth of 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver!"
Starting this Sunday the front rows will be Player seating. We need all CSF Players to sit up front so that our many guest who are coming can choose to sit in the less intimidating back seats. I promise you...the jokes are funnier and view is better in the first three rows!
Be praying and thinking about who you are inviting to this years "Behind The Music" concert. With our new sound system, new creative stage design and the power of the music...this will be an Encounter Service to remember.