Friday, February 1, 2008

Back To The Future II

Okay.....we are back...To The Future.

We will have a place on site that allows us to continue our passionate impact and care for those in need. A place to distribute food, clothes and other basic needs.

We will have multiple large seating areas to have our Thrive Classes. We will offer these classes on multiple nights so that anyone's schedule can find a way to participate in these life-changing classes and groups.

We will have a full-blown counseling center to help heal the emotional challenges that individuals, couples and families have.

Being directly at the cross section of three major highways, we will have a cafe & bookstore area that will be set up for daily use. A place to meet friends for coffee, read a book and hang out.

An outdoor courtyard area will be the ideal place to bring family and friends on a Friday and Saturday late afternoons as you enjoy a picnic dinner and live bands playing. The little kids will enjoy a safe place to run around while mom & dad enjoy meaningful conversation.

We want to design a creative place that people want to come and be a part of all week long.....not just on Sunday for an hour service. A place that helps people discover the love of Christ. A place that helps hurting families. A place that encourages kids and teenagers to be all that God wants them to be...all week long. Because of our passion to be culturally relevant, we will have a campus that teenagers will want to come here and hang out on after football games and on Saturday night!

Above all else our future will be just like our past. We will always be a place that reaches out to those who are disconnected from God. We will use our expanding campus as a beacon of hope, love and grace for those who do not know Jesus Christ personally. We will use this place as a launching pad for public "helps" ministries and planting many churches in unreached areas of American and beyond.

In today's reading we saw were the church was beginning to be persecuted and even destroyed. However, the people (which is what the church or fellowship is really) stayed focused on the main purpose of their calling through Christ. Verse 4 says; "Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went."

At CSF, our future is as bright as God is Himself. We believe He has given us the tools to make a large impact in our city and world. We will be faithful stewards of what He has allowed us to have and what we will build in the future. Our purpose and game plan will be to reach people and help them become devoted followers of Christ that desire to impact their world.

Take time today to invite someone to come with you this Sunday! No one will beat you or persecute you....but you may help change a life forever!