Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Everyone on our mailing list should have received our Expand Fact Sheet last week. That mailer shared with you some of the basic reasons we feel as though now is the time for us to Expand......Our Faith, Our Influence and Our Fellowship.

Expanding Our Faith: Hundreds of adults at CSF are reading their Bible and praying on a regular basis these days. They are personally Expanding in their ability to grow spiritually in faith and knowledge of Christ. We have more adults than ever that are really trying to grow in their trust of God for all aspects of their life. They are becoming fully devoted followers who re-orient every aspect of their life around the truth of God! As a Fellowship we need each Christian to take responsibility for their own life and the lives of those around them.

This leads to the next part of Expand....

Expanding Our Influence: CSF is about action. We are about helping people join God's Team as they come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then grow into a Player for Him that changes their world. We believe that every Christ follower has been given certain gifts and passions and that they should use those to serve others. We want to be a place that greatly impacts peoples lives every day of the week! We want to be a Fellowship of great influence in our city and world.

This will happen best when we...

Expand Our Fellowship: This was the aspect of the fact sheet that came in the mail. It is also communicated clearly on the website Expandcsf.com We need to cease being renters. We need more space for kids and students. We need to expand our facility and our land. We need to do these things so that we can be a place that is active and life-changing right here on this campus seven days a week. Our end goal is not to have a church that people attend on Sunday morning only. We will have a place that every kid, teenager, young adult, and older adults can come and have their entire lives touched by the ministries here.

You will be seeing and hearing more about this great Expand Adventure in the next few weeks. I truly believe we are ready to see God accomplish many great things THROUGH the people of CSF! Go to the expandcsf.com often as info will change!

Today's Bible Reading: Mark 5

We see Jesus healing the sick and helping a man who was demon possessed. Never forget that the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ is that He came to save those who are lost and help those who are hurting. As Christ followers this should be our main goal too!