Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Class Of 1988!

Where were you born? From a small town, city or a very large city? Are your parents wealthy, famous or very influential? Did you grow up poor? Were you home schooled, private schooled or public schooled? Did you grow up in a single parent home, with a step-parent, or with both biological parents?

Were you real smart in school or the class clown? Were you voted most "anything" as a senior? Were you popular, a nerd or just average? Did you hang with the jocks, the brains, the punkers or did you have your own group?

Would people who knew you then, recognize you now? Have you under achieved from the start you were given or have you lived your dreams and overcome much of your "starting point" in life?

This summer I am hoping to go back to my home town in Florida for my twenty-year High School reunion. I am amazed that it has been twenty years! I am looking forward to going back and seeing my home town and hopefully many of my friends from High School. I am sure we will all have stories to tell and will look a little different. (with 4 months to go...I still have hair and none of it is gray!)

This Sunday I am going to be talking about how a Close Encounter with Jesus helps you live your dreams! Think back to the day you graduated from High School. Are you living your dreams? Do you even know what your dreams are? If you know what they you know how to achieve them?

As I was reading today in Mark chapter 6, verses 1-6, I was amazed once again about how people can prejudge what we will become..... by where we came from and who are family members are and what they have done. Jesus went back to his home town and they did not believe that HE could be the long awaited Messiah. Not little Jesus, the poor son of a carpenter? He was from a poor town called Nazareth...."what good ever comes out of Nazareth" was a familiar statement Jesus would always hear.

Even Jesus had people who looked at his past and thought his past was a clear prediction of what he could or could NOT do. What were your predictions coming out of High School? What dreams did you have for your life? Are you living them?

If not, this Sunday is a great day to start!