Some people come into your life and you are never the same. This is what happens when you have a Close Encounter with Jesus Christ. He changes you forever..…your heart, mind, soul and destiny. This Sunday we are starting a new message series. We will be looking at the personal side of knowing Jesus! What happens when normal everyday people have a Close Encounter with Jesus? They are forever changed!
This past Sunday we gave you Close Encounter cards to pass out to your family and friends who may have some challenges in their life and need a change, need hope, need strength.....need to know Jesus personally.
Here is the list of what we will be covering. All of us will benefit from this personal message series.
Close Encounter...Meeting Him Will Help You:
Overcome Your Fears - February 24th
Fear will always hold us back from attempting great things in our life. This fear will keep us from fulfilling our dreams and reaching our highest potential. A Close Encounter with Jesus will help us overcome are deepest fears.
Live Your Dreams - March 2nd
A lack of trust and faith in God, themselves and others is why many people never follow their dreams. A Close Encounter with Jesus will remind you that your dreams are worth chasing and that He will help you live them!
Heal Your Hurts - March 9th
Life’s journey will always bring pain into our life. Jesus is the close and caring friend who agrees to walk with you down every path. Moreover, He has the ability to help mend every emotional hurt you have.
Change Your World - March 16th
Many people today are bored with life because they have slid into mediocrity and a self-serving life style. An encounter with Jesus will invigorate you to do something purposeful with your life. He will help you find lasting meaning as you set out to make a positive impact in your world.
This incredible series will take us up to Easter! Start now to invite your friends. As a Fellowship we all work together to lead every person in our area to Christ!
Today's Bible Reading: Acts 26
Paul tells us about how God met him on the road and forever changed his life. He had a Close Encounter like none other! At that moment God gave Paul a clear vision of what he was to he started doing it. He did not need to think about, pray about it or wonder if he would be successful. He just started his personal mission that God had given him.
What has God asked you to do? Who has God asked you to reach out to? Are you doing it? Many of us have friends like King Agrippa in this chapter. They ask us, "Are you trying to persuade me to be a Christian?" Our response to our friends should be the same as Paul said to the King......YES!