Last night my 4th grade son was not in the mood to finish his homework with excellence. He had been given a math project of baking a cake. (It sounded a little strange to me until my wife explained that they were learning about measurements like cup, teaspoon, and the like. This was a fun way for them to visually and practically learn to use these measurements)
Anyways, the last thing he was to do while the cake was baking was to re-write the ingredients and directions on a 3x5 card to be turned in with the cake that the class would all enjoy together. After spending about an hour in the kitchen....he was done. He wanted to go play or at least do something else. He told us that his first draft was good enough for this project and that he was done. After looking at the "chicken-scratch" on his first 3x5 card, we determined that his best work had not been done and he need to finish strong. Do his best!
Most parents, teachers, leaders, employers and coaches would agree with the philosophy of working hard, doing YOUR best and finishing the task strong. The Bible is clear....what ever we do, we should work hard, do our best and finish whatever we said we would accomplish. However, many Christians don't see their God assignments that way. Many times we serve, share our faith and grow spiritually.....just enough to get by. We don't give God our best effort in working for Him! We look for places to skimp and slide through our Christian responsibilities.
Do you serve at CSF? When you do you work hard and give your best effort?
Do you share your faith with your family and friends? When you do you give it your best shot to tell them about Jesus and invite them on Sunday? Do you keep sharing and try to finish?
Do you read your Bible and Pray? When you you focus on God and give him your best attention and willingness to grow and learn?
Read the words of Paul from today's reading in Acts 20: He said this to the people at the Ephesian Church who were leaders that he had been working with.
Verse 24 "I consider my personal life and well being nothing, if only that I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me...the task of sharing the good news of God's grace.
Verse 31 "For three years I never stopped warning each of you (about sin) night and day with tears."
Verse 33 "I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of others. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard-work we must help the weak!"