Today is Valentines Day! (The day we are told to be nice, be romantic, buy cards, buy candy and be sweet to our spouse or girl/boy friend. Forced romance....that will make you feel special! I am sorry.....enough of my personal soapbox!)
Back to my topic....
What is your middle or high school student doing today on V-Day? What do you think they know about Love and Sex? Probably more than we as parents think....or want to admit. As you know, this is a sex crazy culture we live in and our students are saturated with it all. Many want to make wise choices....many don't. Some don't know the truth, others don't have anyone to talk to about the raging hormones going off in their bodies like fireworks and still others are just worried.
At CSF we understand the challenges of teenagers in our sex crazy culture. That is why every year we have Not In My House weekend. It is a weekend retreat done here locally that has one focus...that being to prepare our students to deal with the issue of love, sex and dating. As a Fellowship we can't avoid the topic. They are hearing and learning from many sources in our world. We just want to make sure they get God's perspective and principles. His way is best.....
Thus far we have over a 100 students registered for this life-changing weekend. HOWEVER, there is still room for your son or daughter. Whatever your teenagers plans are this weekend...they are not as important as having them spend the weekend with the Brad Saab and our great Student Ministry volunteers!
Email ASAP to get your teenager signed up. At CSF, we make sure that this weekend is affordable for all. The cost for both nights and all meals and activities is only $35!
Today's Bible Reading: I pray you are reading along with we see Paul as he is willing to keep doing what God has asked Him to do, even though he knows he will be beaten and thrown in jail. The man is awesome! He is a Stud for God! He is a Player! He leaves us no excuse to not live as fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. For now, in America, no one is going to beat you up in down town Charlotte for living a life that is reoriented around the claims of Christ!