Friday, March 14, 2008

Because so many have asked.....

First of all.....I wanted to share with you, the awesome team at CSF, how much Kelly and I appreciate the love and care you have shown us over the last few days. Cards, emails, box of chocolate, flowers and the like have made us feel very loved by our Fellowship. (Kelly especially liked the chocolate!!)

Secondly, many are asking how Ellie is doing. I am happy to report that she is adapting well to her new home and each time we have been there to check on her she is getting very spoiled by the staff there. They have told us that she is like a cute little doll that all the staff want to spend time with, love on and completely spoil. The female staff all want to fix her thick curly hair with her "Ellie" bows as she gets ready for school each day.

She does not seem to be missing us as much as we are missing her....which is the only reason we would have ever placed her there. She is being well taken care of and getting the special one-on-one care and attention she needs.

Again, your prayers and encouragement have been wonderful for us during this time. Thank you for your support! I love to see that no matter how large CSF grows....each person who chooses to be in Fellowship can experience the love and care of the people that they are "doing life with."

This Sunday will be another great day! Remember to invite a friend and come expecting to meet God here in a real and relational way.

Today's Bible Reading: Galatians chapter 5

As you prepare for the weekend, re-read verse 16. "Live by the Spirit (principles and truth of God) and you WILL NOT gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For what the sinful nature desires is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit is contrary to the sinful nature."

Many times what we "want" to do, and what "feels" right over the completely wrong for us to take part in. Friday and Saturday nights are many times very difficult for us to do what we know is right (live by the Spirit) and very easy to do what is wrong....indulge in the things listed in verse 19-21.

See you tissues needed!