As I said yesterday....Sunday was a great day. However, I was caught off guard as I walked onto the stage this Sunday at the 10:30 service to begin my message....and noticed so many people sitting in the balcony.
The first things I noticed was the amount of people up there. Secondly, I thought how close they felt and looked as they seemed to be at my eye level and that I could reach out and touch them. However, the main thing that I thought was.....all those people, about 70, are sitting on the floor! Our balcony is carpeted and the seating is "stair cased" awaiting the 225 theater seats.....but there are no seats up there yet.
I later found out that the Host Team had started asking known CSF Players to sit up there as the main auditorium was filling up. About 10 minutes into the service the downstairs was almost completely full and the quick thinking Host Team had saved the day!
Great job Host Team! Also, I wanted to tell those who sat up in the balcony that you exemplified what sacrifice for the greater good is all about. You were asked and then were willing to sit on the floor so that those who come to CSF but are not Christians or are not sold out on our Mission and Game Plan....could sit in the chairs in the main auditorium. I am sure that the carpeted cement was not the most comfortable place to spend Easter Sunday Service, but, you did and it was needed. This is the mark of CSF that I love. People willing to put aside their personal comfort so that others can experience Christ. Not many in our world live by this value...especially Christian church goers who have a consumer mindset of "church should be for ME and meet MY needs and do what I want all the time!"
To those who sat in the balcony this Sunday....your service and sacrifice was noticed! Thanks! To all who call CSF home....our Expand Adventure next month will permanently place 225 theater style seats in the balcony which will allow us to grow in comfort!
Today's Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10
This Chapter says a lot. However, for me it clears up two main things for those of us who are Christians.
1) We will be tempted to sin....and the temptation will he hard to resist. However, we do not have to give in to any temptation and there is always a wise choice to make so that we don't slip and fall.
2) As Christians we have many freedoms that are given to us. However, one thing is for certain. We have a personal responsibility to watch what we do in front of those who are not Christ followers or who are young Christians in their faith. When it comes to our "rights" we must always put others spiritual well being in front of our own personal....."I can do this and it is not wrong!"