When I was in my early teens, my dad used to tell me..."If you play with pigs in their pig-pen long enough...you will get dirty and begin to look and smell like them."
Another way to put it is this: "You are known by the company you keep" and the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:33 "Don't be misled, bad company corrupts good character!"
Today's Bible reading is very clear but also can be hard to understand. On one hand we know we are to accept all people and offer to them grace just like Jesus did. However, in 1 Corinthians chapter 5, Paul says we should avoid those who are living sinful and wrong lives. He even says to stop hanging around them if they don't change their ways! Ouch!
Here is what Paul was saying in their controversial chapter:
* If a person is not a Christian and does not claim to be and they live a life that goes against God's principles and values then they are to be accepted, loved and shown grace just like Jesus always did to people who were seen as "sinners."
* If a person is a Christian and they make sinful mistakes (like we all do) and they ask for forgiveness and agree that their behavior is wrong and desire to change...then we offer grace, love and acceptance.
* If a person is a Christian and they outwardly choose to live a life that they know is wrong and sinful in God's eyes....then we are to accept them and offer grace and forgiveness just as we need. However, if they openly choose to not want to stop and change, and choose to continue living a "sinful" life...then we are to pray for them, but not hang out with them. If we do, we are in danger of allowing their bad choices to become our bad choices and our lives spiral out of God's will for our lives. This is what Paul means in Chapter 5 verse 11.
We are to live lives that are holy and accountable. I, like Paul, make huge mistakes that are sinful and wrong. We all make dumb mistakes. However, to not admit it and continue to live that way.....always leads to pain and ruin. When we see friends who are Christians but they openly live lives that are harmful.....we are to separate ourselves from them until they choose to admit they are wrong and commit to do their best to change.
I hope this helps you to understand this hard chapter....it really is simply and basically what my dad told me when I was a kid. Lets all choose not to live in the pig pens of this world...but instead to live Christ-honoring lives in the palace of God's power and grace.