These days at CSF we are getting many emails, cards and letters telling us how much our Fellowship has meant to the person sending us the note. As a matter fact, right now at 7:45 am Rick is meeting with a man that emailed us last week and said that after being here a was time to accept Christ and be baptized. Awesome...
As we close out the week, I wanted to leave you with a card I received in the mail this week. The card was addressed to me, however, we are a TEAM here at CSF and the joy from this card needs to be enjoyed by all CSF Players. Read it, enjoy it, celebrate and then go through the rest of your day knowing that YOU are a part of church that is changing lives every day of every week. YOU play a vital role. YOU are not just an observer...YOU are a Player!
Here is the highlights from the card:
"Dear Kenny,
The Easter service Sunday was very special. The message, music and presentation was great. I felt the Spirit of God! This Easter was special to me because I had my sons and grandchildren with me. I had been praying that my son would come to church and he has now for 3 straight Sundays.
I had a birthday a few weeks ago and my son said that his present to me would be a day with me, doing whatever "I" wanted to do. I told him the only thing I wanted was for him to go on a Sunday with me to Charlotte South Fellowship. I have now received my birthday present, he is meeting me at CSF every Sunday. He has since told me that this was the first time he gave me a gift and received more for himself than he gave.
We love this church! I now have both sons and their families and my two sisters coming every Sunday. God is so good..."
How awesome is that! I hope and pray that as you Expand your serving, giving and influence that YOU know.....lives are being changed and we are changing our neighborhoods, community and the city for Jesus Christ!
Today's Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13
Know as the LOVE chapter...this is a great reminder of what is most important in our lives. That we show and give real love to people. Read verse 4-8 again and ask yourself if this is the way you love your kids, spouse, parents, friends and you get the point!