Thursday, March 6, 2008

Time To Unzip

The heavy winds and rains have left behind the Carolina blue skies and temperatures of Spring! Today, I will be unzipping the windows and doors of my Jeep and will enjoy driving around with my top off. I love driving with the top off and having the breeze of early spring keeping you cool without the need of AC. Of course, with gas prices I may just have to park in the church parking lot and just turn up the music and act like I am driving around!

This is a great time of year. One of the values we have at CSF is that of playing together in this kind of great weather. I wanted to remind you that our Spring Softball season is coming up fast and we will offer 2-3 teams for men and co-ed of varied levels of skill. We also will have two basketball teams that will play in the Carmel Baptist league this spring. If you are wanting to play on these teams you MUST sign up now or contact Tina Brannon at TLBrannon@BB& ASAP.

Also, you can sign up for Spring Volleyball and even Soccer on Sunday mornings.

I hope that you will take the opportunity this spring to get outside and enjoy the beautiful area that we are blessed to live in. Mountains, waterfalls, beaches, parks and much more are within 3 hour drives. Physical exercise, play and recreation is very important to the spiritual well being of our souls. When we are enjoying life and are physically healthy we are less prone to the challenges of depression and stress. Our Expand adventure will soon allow CSF to have an incredible walking and jogging trail through about 35 wooded acres of rolling hills and even a pretty creek. An oasis natural beauty in the middle of an explosion of suburban expansion!

Whatever you do......turn of the Wii and get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Today's Bible Reading: Mark 13

When will the end of the world happen? Who knows.....The Bible is not clear and does this for a reason. If we knew, many people would wait until it was time to "Get Ready" before they got serious about their faith and telling others. We don't know and therefore the point of this passage is that we should live everyday like it could be our last.

Who do you know that is not a Christian? That if they died today or if the world were to end.....they would not make it into heaven? Those are the people that you should be inviting this Sunday and every Sunday. You should be sharing your personal story of faith in Christ with never know!