Yesterday afternoon a few friends helped my wife sew Ellie's name on all her clothes and personal items. Last night, well after 11pm, a few more were still helping to sew fitted sheets that can not be ripped off over night for her new bed.
After Peyton's baseball practice the boys and I just hung out and watched a very boring episode of American Idol. In my opinion, hearing already boring Beatles songs with today's flare was nauseating. By 10:00pm...all was quiet in our home. Kelly got back from sewing the sheets about midnight.
Now it is Wednesday at 6:30 am. A few hours from now, we will take Ellie to her to home forever. Over the last few months I have thought about this morning...wondering what it would feel like? Wondering what great inspirational thought God may give me or what I may be thinking at this moment. Wondering what would be the best course of action to take as it relates to helping Kelly and Peyton. What to say? What NOT to say? How optimistic should I be or sound?
If I come across as positive that this is the right choice and God is in control, will that seem unconcerned and lacking real sadness and emotion? If I get lost in the moment and seem very sad and upset, does that show a lack of trust in God that he does not provide the stable strength that my family needs? When people ask you how you are doing, do you tell them how you are really feeling...or do you try and decide if they really care enough to hear all what you have to say?
Funny how life throws us such complex curve balls. Even when you know they coming, like in this case, a well thrown curve ball is still hard to hit correctly. In a split second you must decide if this twisting ball will be a strike that you must watch and hit the best as you can or should you hold off because by the end of the pitch it could be a ball?
Hit well, a looping curve ball can be sent over the fence. Misjudged, a curve can make you and your swing look silly. Hmmmm what to do??? is Wednesday and I must leave the office and go take my only daughter to her new home. The only thing I personally know to do is for me to be me and SWING FOR THE FENCE knowing that God alone is my audience and he will give me the strength and grace to deal with the results!
Today's Bible Reading: Galatians Chapter 3
Paul reminds the church that they are falling into legalism that will take the joy of their salvation and place a burden of rituals and tasks on them that was never a part of salvation in Christ. Salvation and God's grace does not come from faith in Christ plus is in Christ alone.
Go ahead....swing for the fence today!