Do you remember your best friends from High School? Can you list 20 names (first and last) of people you went to high school with? I personally went to a medium size High School (I had a little over 300 people in my graduating class...Kelly had over 1000!)and had to look in my senior year-book to match names with faces.
It is funny how when you are young, you believe that these people will always be your BFF! Most normally do not. However, the effect that we have on each other while in high school is life changing and can last forever.
Who are your friends now as an adult? Have anyone in your life now that is a life-time adult friend? Some of us may have one or two....but most of us have friends for periods of our life. They are good friends until we move, change jobs switch churches and the like. These adult friends will also be people who most likely will influence you in life choices that will impact you for the rest of your life...even if they are long gone. Many adults tell their kids to watch out who they are friends with...but end up making the same mistake themselves as they surround themselves with bad influencing "friends."
With all that truth being is no wonder the Bible is very clear that we should choose our friends wisely. This Sunday we will be talking about what we should look for in a friend and how can we choose to do life with the best possible people! Those who will inspire, encourage and motivate us to be the best we can be for God, our families and our selves.
This Sunday we will also take time to honor our Military heroes who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. These soldiers lived out the meaning of Bible's teaching that says...."no greater love has anyone, than he that gives his own life for a friend.
Today's Bible Reading Romans Chapter 3
This chapter starts the classic verses that is sometimes called the Roman's Road to Salvation. In chapter three we see very clearly that all of us are in need of a savior because we can not earn our way into heaven. All of us are sinners in need of forgiveness and this can only be received by accepting Jesus Christ in faith. There is no other way to eternal life expect through accepting Jesus Christ as savior.
If you or a friend thinks there is another through this chapter again. Then rest safely in the knowledge that salvation is free through the grace of Jesus and that all we have to do is ask for in faith believing and we will be saved!
Great news.....tell a friend and bring them this Sunday.