Saturday, May 3, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 13

The Sweet Fragrance

Can you imagine the scene…Jesus is talking with the men at the table. This was a proper setting, a place for invited guests only. And then came this woman with the perfume. Who invited her? And who gave her permission to pour the entire contents of her perfume jar on the head of the guest of honor? Can you imagine the smell? You know the way to use perfume…just a little dab. Yet, she poured the perfume like a football player dousing their coach with the Gatorade bucket!

Why waste so much expensive perfume? We do not know her heart for sure, but perhaps she had experienced forgiveness from Jesus. Maybe she just felt so grateful for Him that she lost her head for a moment. Whatever the reason, Jesus defended her heart and her lavish gift.

In 48 hours, Jesus was stripped of his friends, His dignity, and His clothing as he was nailed to a cross. That dark day, the only thing His tormentors could not get off of Him was the smell of that perfume on His head. As Jesus drew His breath in pain on the cross, did the smell of that loving gift strengthen Him to be broken and poured out for us all?

Bible Verse

While Jesus was reclining at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar, and poured the perfume on his head. Mark 14:3


Lord, give me the grace to give to You as lavishly as You have poured Yourself out for me.