Friday, May 30, 2008

More Political Pastor Problems

I never thought that my chosen profession would get so much play in a modern political presidential contest. Once again, a "preacher/pastor" has turned Sunday morning into a time to cast their personal political vote for a specific candidate and trash another one. Like many of you, I am astounded that people would want and tolerate that kind of "teaching" on Sunday morning and would continue to come back.

I was asked recently if I would ever endorse a candidate or criticize one from the stage on Sunday morning. My first answer is supposed to be illegal for a non-profit 5013-C religious organization to publicly support one and encourage the church people to do the same. So, at CSF we choose to follow the law and by doing that ....we then also choose not to preach for or against any one person.

Secondly, I do not feel like Sunday morning is the place to campaign for or against people. In the past I have taught on the Biblical truth that speaks directly to moral political issues. I will continue to do that. Then, after hearing clear biblical truth on a topic, each person can use that information as they decide who they will vote for in a given political contest. Issues like abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriages, pornography and other moral issues are clear in the Bible. A wise voter will know where a candidate stands on these issues and will choose wisely and in-line with biblical principles. Will some people leave CSF because we teach the truth of those issues. Sure.....My guess is that if people in the church do not agree with our churches stances on moral, theological and other cultural issues, they won't stay long. It only takes people about six months of coming to CSF or any other church to know what we believe and how we roll. If people don't agree....they normally leave., this Sunday you will not hear me give a rant about who you should or should not vote for......However, I am going to share with you about how you can avoid addictions in your life that can ruin your life forever!

Also, don't forget.....starting June 22nd we will have a free "Picnic On The Patio" for all those who attend the noon service. The food will be grilled and set up while we are enjoying the service and then after the service is over, we will picnic together!

Today's Bible Reading Romans 11

Paul illuminates the teaching about God being the vine and we are His branches. We have been grafted in and now as Christians are a part of God and should resemble Him and his truth. Do people who see you...see the goodness of God? Are you a positive example of what a Christ follower should look and act like?

We are not talking about perfection...but a life that does reflect the One in whose name we have taken. Christian!