As you know, we had over $215,000 given in cash on our Expand Sunday. We also had 4.1 million more pledged over the next three years. This great response enables us to move forward in the real architectural drawings and start the process of getting everything designed and approved by the city. Moreover, we are under contract to purchase the additional 40 acres that is directly behind our current property. We are moving forward with the specifics of making this dream a reality. Thank all who gave and pledged. (Don't forget you can use on-line giving for both general budget giving and Expand giving...I even was able to use it this is easy)
Many people have asked about when will the new building be complete? Our new architect has told us that with all that needs to be done with drawings and the city approvals, we would be very lucky to be able to break ground next Spring. Of course, breaking ground means that we have also received much of the pledged money. We will only move forward with large expenses as it pertains to the building when we can do so with bank approval and a good debt to income ratio.
These are great times at CSF!
As many of you have heard, to help with the speed of the process and to save about $5,000 a month, your great staff as made the choice of being mobile as an office. Starting in late June we will move all CSF operations out of the warehouse and into our current building. New technology will allow us to have "set-up and take-down" office capabilities and you will not notice a difference in our quality. However, it does mean more work and less privacy for our staff. However, we are willing to sacrifice a little to gain much! More than just saving money, we believe the new office set up will make for a better office "feel" and environment as use our still new and state of the art building.
We are growing as a Church and moving forward at a rapid pace to better Team up and reach our God given goals as a local church.
We you see a CSF staff member.... tell them thanks for setting the pace!
Today's Bible Reading: Romans Chapter 4
What do you have to do to be accepted and forgiven by God? Answer....just ask and believe in faith. Paul is clear here that it does not matter where you were born, what your nationality may be, what you do or don't do....salvation and forgiveness comes from asking and receiving freely from God.
The false argument in those days that Paul was fighting was that males had to show his Jewish heritage of being circumcised to be accepted by God. Nope......
What restrictions were placed on you or do you place on others to prove "they are Christians?" If it is anything more than what Paul says have added to the faith and become legalistic in what you believe a person must do to be saved.