Monday, May 19, 2008

Expand Totals To Date

Yesterday I shared with everyone the great news of how we hit our goals with Expand. As of today we have been given $215,000 in up front cash for Expand. Moreover, we had a little over 4 million dollars pledged over the next three years toward our dream of building a life-changing campus here in Matthews on 60 beautiful acres!

Each service was filled with excitement as I shared the numbers....great job CSF!

The buzz in the Porch Cafe was asking.... "what does this mean as far as time tables for the new addition and the purchase of the additional 40 acres?" Here are some things that will start to happen now and some answers:

1) To jump start our effort of having the new building up ASAP, our staff has made the decision to leave the warehouse and set up our entire office area in the new building. New technology of wireless everything will allow for us to be a semi-mobile office during the weekday and still use the entire building for ministry 7 days a week. This move will happen in June and will start to save us about 5,000 each month in rental bills. We believe the staff should set the pace of leadership and willingness to do whatever it takes to see things happen in a "Diligent" way! (listen to yesterday's message to get the full grasp of that word!)

2) We will begin the process of interviewing architects and contractors for the 2nd phase. As you know in Matthews construction is a slow painful process...the city of Matthews are not "Diligent" at all! HA HA

3) We had a meeting with the owners of the 40 acres last week to discuss specifics and time tables for their kind offer of doing seller financing. We will continue those talks and move forward a resolution soon.

Today's Bible Reading 2 Thessalonians chapter 3

Can you believe the timing of these verses. Paul says here that they were not lazy but that they worked for their food. He said that when needed they worked day and night so that they would not be a burden to anyone. He shares with us in verse 10 that if a person chooses not to work....they shall not eat. He condemns them for being idle or lazy and says they should get busy and earn a living.....

Wow...that is about as stern as Solomon in Proverbs describing lazy self entitlement people as sluggards and sloths!

Today....lets be Diligent in all areas of our lives!