Yesterday was a very meaningful and awesome day at CSF. Many of you shared this similar experience as an email we received yesterday:
"To say that I was blown away this morning during the service would be a true understatement. I have never been so moved. The music was incredible! What amazed me was that when you were telling everyone to bring their expand offerings up front, before you were even done with the sentence people were already coming up front to drop in their gifts. There was not this hesitation, people were doing it because they are so eager for what is yet to come. It just showed what faith and enthusiasm that the people at CSF have. There was a couple that stopped at the treasure chest and after they placed their gift, they held each other and prayed. The whole thing was just over the top!"
Thank you to our band for writing, producing and then leading us in the 5 new worship songs that were written just for our Expand Adventure. Thanks to our Expand leadership team that started working back on January 5th! Thank you to all who gave a cash gift and a 3 year year pledge. You are awesome!
We have also received emails saying that some were gone on Sunday and did not turn in a gift or pledge. Please mail your pledge card in and your one-time cash gift in ASAP. We will announce the totals on May 18th.....this will give us a chance to receive all the pledges and give one combined total. Also, next week is mother's day and the service is all about MOM!
Now that the Expand Devotion is over...back to the daily Bible Reading:
(If you have missed a few days...get back on track with May 5th!)
Matthew 22
The parable of the Wedding Banquet is a reminder of why we have the style of Sunday services that we have at CSF. Every day of every week we are to go into the "street corners" and invite people who are not Christians and that do not have a church home to CSF. Here they will find a table set just for them! Here they will meet Christ and have the opportunity in a clear and compelling way to accept Jesus as their savior.