Monday, April 21, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 1

As Promised, I will use my BLOG for 14 days straight as our on-line Expand Devotional as we begin to prepare our hearts for what God wants to do through EACH person at CSF. Our Expand Adventure is as much a spiritual experience as anything else. PLEASE Forward to EVERY CSF person you that we all remember.

Growing in the Church: One Prayer and life at a time:

Wrestling is an ancient sport. During the first century, wrestlers struggled for their lives, not for TV ratings. In the language of the day, the wrestling ring was called the agone, and the wrestlers were called antagonists.
Such is the word image that Paul uses to describe the work of prayer from the spiritual leader of the Colossian church, Epaphras. Paul says that Epaphras prays fervently (he uses this word root agone) for them. What a powerful image—like Jacob wrestling with the angel all night for a blessing (Genesis 32:24-31), and like Jesus praying so fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane that His sweat became like drops of blood (Luke 22:41-44).
What is so important that Epaphras would pray with such anguish? That the Colossian church would grow in its knowledge of God’s will and in the maturity of faith. As Paul would later say of Epaphras, “I vouch for him that he is working hard for you.” (Colossians 4:13.)
Our Fellowship needs an Epaphras or two right now. Would you be willing to pray, to wrestle hard, for the future of CSF?


Lord, lead me in prayer to wrestle hard with Your will. I will hold fast to You, until I find Your blessing!

Quick CSF note: We had 600 families from the Walter Bicket school and area come to Walter Bickett Elem. School on Saturday morning and take all but two small bags of clothes. How much clothes did we have to start with? We had a POD completely full plus enough to fill another one half full. Everything was free....people who will probably never come to our church were given as much clothes as they wanted...Free!

On a personal note....driving a race car by yourself at 143 miles a hour is Awesome! Doing it for 18 laps at Lowes Motor Speedway is a great way to spend a Friday night!