Friday, April 25, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 5

Did you have a Nickname when you were a kid? Most of us have one for our kids now and they are normally silly enough that we don't call them that name outside of the home environment. Of course, today's sports stars and teams have Nicknames. A Nickname can be either nice or negative. Many of us remember the mean Nicknames given out in Middle School.

What’s in a Nickname? They are normally given as a way of describing an outward or inward characteristic of someone. They can be positive or negative...but they normally describe you in some way.

The name “Joseph” is such a fine name, especially for a man of Jewish decent. In Hebrew, the name means “God’s added blessing.” This was the name for the cherished son of the patriarch Jacob. So why would the apostles give Joseph a nickname like Barnabas?

When the early church needed money to underwrite its ministry, Joseph was there to make a generous donation. When Saul of Tarsus needed a friend to welcome him into the Christian church he once persecuted, it was Joseph who was that friend. When the church needed to send someone to encourage believers among the gentiles, they sent Joseph. When young Mark needed someone to believe in him and give him a second chance to serve as a missionary, it was Joseph who encouraged him. Any wonder all of Joseph’s friends called him Barnabas, which meant “Son of Encouragement”?

CSF needs more leaders to step forward in faith and generosity to help advance our purpose as a church. We need everyone to see themselves as a part of the solution to helping Expand our dreams. When it comes to how generous you are and how you support the church and ho you plan to be involved with Expand......what Nickname would our church family give you?


Lord, give me the gift of generosity, that I may encourage Your work in the world through my church. Help me to know what to give as I seek to be a encouraging part of Expand. Lord I want my Nickname to be one that I am proud of as it reveals my character about giving.

Extra: Kenny's Mock NFL 2008 Draft (top 5 picks)

1) Dolphins: Jake Long
2) Rams: Chris Long
3) Atlanta: Matt Ryan
4) Raiders: Darren Mcfadden
5) Chiefs: Glenn Dorsey