More Than Asking
Most of us are good at the first baby step of prayer—asking God to do something. Unfortunately, after the asking, we think we are finished and that we are expected to do nothing more. Asking is just the first step. Many more steps will make up a real journey of prayer. Jesus offers His disciples a model for such a prayer journey. Ask, but then seek, and finally…knock on the doors you find! (Luke 11:19.)
Seeking God’s will is much more work than simply asking—it takes time, attention, listening, looking, searching. A journey of prayer will lead us far past asking, deep into new paths of seeking God’s way for our lives. Along those paths, we will find doorways, places where choices and decisions must be made. Do we have the courage and commitment to knock? And when those new doorways are opened, will we step into a new way of life?
Simply asking demands little from us. Seeking means finding God’s will in our lives, and such seeking will undoubtedly change us—redirecting us in God’s way. Changing us has always been the real power of prayer.
Lord, I seek Your will and Your will in my life. Lead me down Your paths for Your name’s sake. Open doors that I might find a new life!
Many people are praying and seeking God guidance on how they can be personally involved in our Expand Adventure. One question that comes up is....How can we really reach our goal? Here is a brief answer:
4 Essentials To Reaching Our Goals
We must really believe it can be done! Jesus said, “According to your faith it will be done!”
We must involve every CSF Family Unit in our church! It will take all of us working, praying, committing together as a TEAM. The challenge is so great we must all do our part!
We must each be willing to sacrifice. Nothing great or of value is ever achieved with out sacrifice. CSF needs everyone to give for the common goal of our vision. Remember our Motto: “Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Gifts.”
We must be creative in finding ways each of us can give more than we ever thought possible.