Monday, April 7, 2008

Ministry Fair A Huge Success

I am sure that many of you were surprised to walk into the auditorium yesterday and find that all the chairs were up, music was playing, Free Food and drinks were on tables and the entire auditorium was full of tables that represented the many ministry teams we have here at CSF. From sports, to stage design, to care ministry, to Home Teams, to celebrate recovery, to the clean team, to public school impact, to student ministry, to kids ministry...... the tables went on and on.

As we kicked off our Expand Adventure we wanted to make sure that everyone who calls CSF home had a chance to see all the things we are engaged in at CSF and in our community. We highlighted yesterday that we are about impacting and making a difference. After the worship set and my brief challenge, over 100 people signed up to experience a "first serve" with a ministry team. Having 100 new people joining a life-changing team will greatly EXPAND our current capacity of impacting our people and our city.

We are doing great things for the people who call CSF home and many more in our city and world. However, we need to Expand our impact. This is why we must Expand our current facility and our property. Yesterday during all the services there was an excitement and fervor about our Expand Adventure......great things are ahead...make sure you are a part of it.

** Special Alert** About 10 days ago we were contacted by the people of the "Make A Wish Foundation." It seems that after they had already booked a concert to help raise money for the kids in this program, two venues had to back out. They asked us if we would host the benefit concert.....we said, Yes! Knowing what other places were going to charge them, they asked us what we would charge them to use our state-of-the-art auditorium. We told would be free! We told them...make as much money as you can and help those kids! Our place is your place this Friday night.

You see, three years ago when we asked you to give toward building a wonderful 750 seat auditorium, we assured you that our building would be used to impact thousands of people AND that we would always serve our community. That is just how we Roll!

Think about the community impact we can have when we purchase the entire 60 acres and have many multi-use buildings. Great job CSF.....we are living out the biblical principle: "to whom much is given, much is required!"

Today Bible Reading: (I do hope you were reading while I was on vacation)

2 Corinthians 7:10 is a great verse to highlight. It is very clear that when we sin and then have a Godly sorrow, that this will lead to repentance. Godly sorrow is not feeling bad you were caught and it is not just feeling guilty. Godly sorrow is when you admit you were wrong, you ask God to forgive you and you desire to change and not engage in the same thing again.

Today....if you have something in your life that needs to be forgiven...receive it and then repent. Repentance is when you stop what you are doing and go the other way!