Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Should I Do???

I am pleased to announce that many, many, many people are very excited about our Expand Adventure. As we are now getting closer to our big pledge day on May 4th people are talking more and more about the exciting things that are happening AND what will happen in the future at CSF!

One of the statements and questions we continually get asked goes something like this:

"We really want to be involved in Expand. We want to give so that we move forward with increased ministry opportunities in the new building and with amazing new land purchase. But...we don't know what we should. The economy is tough right now and financial times are tight in our home. What should we do...what should we give?"

I love the honesty and the desire wrapped up in a statement/question like that. Of course, I can't tell any one person or family what they should give. However, I normally share with them this kind of thinking/praying process that they should engage in over the next few weeks:


If you’ll sincerely ask these questions, you’ll be able to arrive at a specific amount to give as a one-time gift and as a three year pledge! The amount will almost always be larger than the first one that “popped into your head” since it will be a step of faith!

1) Will I give based on reason or revelation? Is my up-front cash gift and three year pledge just what I think I can give or is it what God wants to give through me if I am willing?

2)Does this amount really stretch my faith? God promises to meet your all needs as you give according to his leading. “You will have everything you need and plenty to share.” 2 Cor. 9:8

3)Does my gift show that I really value what is most important now and in eternity over personal material gain? “Tell them to use their money to do good..always being ready..By doing this they will store up real treasures as a good foundation for the future so that they make take hold of real life!” 1 Timothy 6:19

4) Will my gift and sacrifice demonstrate my thankfulness to God for how much CSF has changed my and others lives? “Now I want you to excel in the gracious ministry of giving.” 2 Cor. 8:7-8

5) Does my gift represent a genuine sacrifice? Our theme has always been “Equal Sacrifice not Equal Gifts.” We enjoy a state-of-the-art first phase building now, because many people made sacrifices in the way they live, spend their money and invest for the future.

6) Do I desire to be faithful with what God has given me by doing my part? CSF has never been about a few "sugar-daddies" dropping HUGE amounts of money to support us. It has always been about everyone putting a hand in and doing God's purpose for our church a TEAM. (Side note...Sugar-daddies are welcome to drop HUGE amounts...if you so desire! HA HA)

I hope this helps....please forward to all your CSF friends that may be asking this question.

Today's Bible Reading: Matthew Chapter 3

Today we read about Jesus' baptism. Jesus set the example for all of us. Baptism is an outward sign of the inward commitment we have made to follow Jesus Christ as savior. It is a physical symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus! TONIGHT we will celebrate baptism with 20 new believers at CSF. I hope you are planning to attend this great occasion.