Expand is going great! Excitement is mounting...are you ready to move in Faith?
Last Word, Lost Word
“Being, doing, and having” is a fairly accurate motto for most people today. For some, having is more important than the other two. They sacrifice who they are through what they do in order to have.
Everyone is big on being. Some like to pound the point—“Look at me, notice that I am here, recognize my being.” The more sophisticated way of doing the same thing is in buying houses that do more than shelter us and cars that do more than carry us. It’s another way of saying, “I am somebody! Look at me!” And then there is doing. The first question asked to a new acquaintance is often, “What do you do?”
Those who get there find that being and doing are never big enough. We want to be a part of something that means something. We need to belong to something greater than we are. Ever wonder why so many people are searching for their Purpose in life? Why they feel empty and void of meaning?
Followers of Jesus returned from where being and doing had been accentuated. “Look at who we are because of what we’ve done,” was their common cry. Jesus would not let their focus stay on their own accomplishments. He said to look beyond yourself. Look at what you are a part of. Look at the bigger picture to where your being and doing belong. We can always accomplish more when we work together as a TEAM. Remember, it is about what you can do with God...not what you can't do alone.
Lord, help me know that who I am and what I do are important. But, also teach me that I was made to be a part of something bigger than I am.