Thursday, April 24, 2008

Expand Devotion/Prayer Day 4

A Partnership of Parts

The most important piece of a jigsaw puzzle is the piece that’s missing. It only takes one errant piece to ruin the whole effort. Every part is important. It’s called synergy—working together.

Synergy is better defined to mean the result accomplished is greater than the individual parts. Sports teams are a good example. Playing together makes them better than playing as individuals. However, one team member failing to do his part can make everyone lose. One musician not in tune will ruin the music.

A war plane was damaged and barely made a safe landing. The same plane was needed for a critical mission the next morning. A maintenance crew worked all night to make repairs. At dawn, the pilot asked the mechanic if the plane was good to go. “Sir,” he replied, “if this plane does not complete its mission, it will not be because of me.”

Your participation is unquestionably significant. If your part is not available, CSF cannot succeed. Our goals are will take all of us to reach them! One person not doing his or her part could keep us from hitting our goal. Everyone doing their part makes us an unstoppable force in our city!


Lord, I know together we can do more. In Your grace, we can do more than we ever imagined. Multiply our gifts and grow Your grace in each of us.

Did you know that what you commit to reveals some important things about you???

1) Shows my true values: They show what I really think is important. What I really value, what I really love. There is no such thing as love without commitment.

2)Shapes my life: You are whatever you are committed to. Your life is the sum total of your commitments.

3)Shapes My Destiny: I become what I commit to…Final Destiny!