Tuesday, August 21, 2007

One Person At A Time!

This Sunday we will be having three services! 9am...10:30.....12......

This Sunday we will have our huge "Behind The Music" concert and celebration!

The following Sunday we start our new Fall series that I am sure will draw some attention. We are calling it...

"Headliners and News Makers: What Would Jesus Say To These People?"
  • September 2nd Michael Vick
  • September 9th Paris Hilton
  • September 16th Mike Minter (Will be here and tell you himself!)
  • September 23rd Bill Gates
  • September 30th Tom Cruise
Starting with Behind The Music this Sunday, we have a great month planned which will enable us to really learn a lot, and also give us a great set of Sundays to invite our friends, co-workers and neighbors.

However, the ability to really see life change will only happen when each "one" of us reaches out in a relational way and invites "one" person at a time. People who are already Christians and looking for a great church will just show up for cool services that offer good teaching, great worship, gourmet coffee and quality childcare. (We have all that at CSF) However, people who are not regular church attenders normally will actually need a personal invitation. They need someone to ask them to attend Behind The Music or to come to any Encounter Service.

If we are to experience more than just big crowds over the next few weeks, it will because the people of CSF took time and invited "one" person who needs to hear about the amazing grace and love of Jesus Christ. Then, and only then, do we have great crowds that are filled with spiritual seekers and those who are relationally disconnected from God and true Fellowship.

Start praying about who you know that needs to be invited and THEN actually do it! You have never experienced an Encounter Service like you will when you are sitting next to someone who you know is in need of a loving Savior. You sit in your seat not as a spectator but as a PLAYER because you are working with the band, the speaker and everyone on the stage to bring someone to Christ and be on His Team. Together, we will have come to that service to worship, learn and be proactive about life change. One life at a time.

Can you imagine how great the next few Sundays will be if everyone got serious about bringing at least "One" person who needed to be there! If you are a little scared....a little nervous...not sure what to say...then rest easy as you take in the truth of this verse. Jesus tells us to be sure and know this:

Acts 1:8 "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth."

All you and I have to do is be willing....God will help us through the Holy Spirit that lives in us. We are to be his witness...we are to Share....we are responsible for the lives of the people in our relational circles.