Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sex & Sensibility

I am sure you saw the new advertisement for our new 3 part series that begins this Sunday. I really believe that we live in a world where our culture has negatively imposed on God’s design of our sexuality. Because sexuality is not what we do….but who we are...we have created for ourselves insensible stress, expectations, actions and even desires.

Our sexuality is made up of our mind, body, soul and spirit. Each of these aspects must be viewed in a healthy and sensible way for us not to miss the fulfillment, beauty and purity of God’s great gift. This message series will be focused on our sexuality and how we view it. News headlines and local struggles found even at our church make it clear that we have lost touch with our sexuality. It has become insensible in so many ways.

We will be taking a look at this insensible outlook of our sexuality and showing that God's way is the way to sensible satisfaction, fulfillment and desires. Each message will be appropriate for 6th grade and up and focused on each person understanding their own sexuality as male and female. When we understand who we are in a sensible way....then we are set free to enjoy our sexuality.

For the first time at our church we will hit this subject from two different speakers. I will teach this Sunday on the subject of Men and our sexuality. Next Sunday, Kristine Wood, will teach on the subject of women and their sexuality. I will conclude with a needed talk for parents and teens as we talk about the fragile sexuality of kids and teenagers. I am excited to have Kristine speak as she will be able to present from the perspective of a female who is married, has two kids and is a physician in a urology clinic.

This will be a freeing and much needed three part series. Invite everyone you can think of to these next three Sundays. I believe it will be revolutionary and very freeing!

Today's Bible Reading Luke 13

What kind of faith do you have? Jesus said if you have faith like a mustard seed that it can be planted into real life situations and that faith will provide visible proof of the faithfulness of God. However, that faith must be active....it must be planted.

Jesus also said that our faith is also like yeast in bread. It only takes a little active faith being mixed into all aspects of life.....and that faith can cause everything to rise!

Where is your faith? Is it active? Are you inserting it into real life situations so that God can show his power?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Goal Tending

Yesterday we completed our series Team Family with a very important message. I stated that the number one goal that each parent should have for their kids is that each one accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and that they lead a Christ honoring life.

There is no other Goal that needs "tended" to more than that one. It is crucial and eternal. As you start this new week do an inventory check of how well you believe you are doing with your "Goal Tending". Remember you as the parent are in control of your kids schedule and you must help them prioritize their life. The values that you live out (not just talk about) in the home toward God will be the ones they are most likely to live out.

Please know that our Church wants to "Team" up with you in this great endeavor of creating families that are fully devoted to Christ. Take full advantage of what we have to offer to help you. Speaking of.....our Fall Thrive workshops start this week.

Thursday Nights 7-8:30pm

Direct Connect > 2 weeks Oct 2nd - 9th
Everyday Encounters > 3 Weeks Oct 2 - 16th
How To Study The Bible > 3 weeks Oct 2 -16th
Survey Of World Religions & Cults > 4 weeks Oct 2-23
Sacred Marriage> 5 weeks Oct 23 - Nov 20
10-10-80 Financial Freedom> 3 weeks Oct 30-Nov 13th
Contagious Christianity> 3 weeks Oct 30-Nov 13th

You can go on our web site for details on each of these workshops!

Today's Bible Reading Luke 12

Today at 7:15am our President talked about the challenges of the Economy and what they are hoping to do with the bail out proposal. I think it is fitting that today's verses talk about money and stuff.

Verse 15 "watch out! be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." He then tells them the parable of the foolish and greedy farmer.

However, the great part of today's chapter is found in verses 22-34. We are told not to worry about what we have or don't have. We are comforted that we do not have to worry.....because God who loves us will meet the needs of those who trust Him with their finances and life.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A True Sanctuary

Did you know that every Friday night here at our church we have a great ministry for those who are struggling with different kinds of addictions, dependencies and other personal challenges? It is called Celebrate Recovery and we have one of the largest groups in the city! People meet here for a time of worship, learning and of course peer group encouragement in their specific challenge. This ministry is open to anyone and all are welcome. The success rate with our recovery group is awesome and more lives each month are being impacted as we reach out to more and more people.

Friday afternoon and evening is another a great example of why we sacrificed so much to construct this TOOL called a building......

Each Friday:

At 2pm a great team of volunteers show up to set and prepare the pre-game meal for the Butler High varsity football team. At 3pm 65 players and 10 coaches show up for a meal. However, the best part is that after they are done eating about 80% of the players join us in the kids auditorium for a pre-game devotion and prayer. It is great to have these young men come for this devotion as they are hearing a message of God's saving grace and how He wants them to live their lives. In the midst of the rigors of a public high school, high profile team, and the normal teenager challenges...they are able to come here for a brief time of challenge and encouragement.

Then, as soon as they leave, our volunteers clean it all up and within two hours the Celebrate recovery group is meeting in the same place! They stay here and have a true "sanctuary" of hope as they have a place that encourages them to stay the course of recovery on a Friday night.....the night that is very hard for them to honor the commitments they have made. This is a safe place for them on Friday night.

As you know, we have a large vision for our 60 acre campus that is strategically located on the corner of the I485 loop and Hwy 74. Always remember that this vision is about reaching, helping, changing and impacting our city. It is a vision that reaches far beyond Sunday morning.....it is a vision that changes people lives and then gives them the opportunity to give back and change their world.

Today's Bible Reading Luke Chapter 9

I love verses 18-27 because it calls for courage. When people ask you who do you believe Jesus was and is......what do you say? When people ask you if you believe that there is any other way to obtain salvation what do you say? When people ask you if you think other religious beliefs will also get them into heaven....what do you say.

Today, we have pastoral leaders and politicians who are afraid to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true way to eternal life. They don't want their TV ratings to go down so they stamper around the truth and give "spin" answers. Listen.....if you believe the Bible is true...then you must believe that what Jesus said about Himself is the only right answer. It is the answer that Peter gave here. It is the answer that cost Peter and the other disciples their very lives.

Their is only one way to eternal life.......we will be talking very clearly about that this Sunday.....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Did You Meet?

Two Sundays ago I challenged all married couples to get together for a "coaches meeting" to discuss the message points that we talked about on that Sunday. I have had many people tell me that they took the challenge and that the meeting went well. Some have gone to coffee shops, dinner, lunch, back porch and a few other locations.

Have you met? How did it go?

This fall we will once again offer a marriage Thrive class. Last year this class was a huge success and helped many marriages. We are also having out 10-10-80 financial freedom Thrive class this fall. As you know, Thrive classes are designed to be 3-6 week (each one is different) classes to help and encourage you in different aspects of your life. You can go on line and see what is coming up and can register on line too.

At CSF we value true life-change and reorientation of one's entire life around the truth of Christ. We desire that kids through adults live a life that is fully-devoted to Christ and His principles. We believe that this is the only way to combat the adverse cultural darts that are hurled at us each day at school, work and in life. We also believe that it is the BEST LIFE POSSIBLE. If you have not taken advantage of our Home Team ministry, Service Teams or Thrive workshops....you are only enjoying a portion of what God has for you.

Today's Bible Reading Luke Chapter 8

Another power packed chapter. Let me quickly hit a few "normal" questions from these classic verses:

Verses 1-15 Please notice that the same "word" or truth goes out....the affect it has on people's lives is dependent on what the person does with the truth they hear. Your spiritual growth is your responsibility. In a culture where everyone blames other people for their mistakes......Jesus is clear.

Verses 16-18 Do your friends and co-workers know that you are a dedicated Christian?

Verses 19-21 Jesus is interested in your heart FOLLOWED by action. He is action minded and fully expects your faith to be seen and acted out.

Verses 22-25 In these trouble financial times....where is your faith? Your 401K? yeah right!

Verses 26-39 Can Christians be possessed? No.... Can those who are not Christians be possessed? Yes.... Can Satan put thoughts into a Christian's mind? No....

Verses 40-56 Is there anything to big for God? No......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No Gas

My wife called me yesterday at 4:15pm to tell me the news was reporting that many gas stations in our area were running out of Gas. When she called I was below empty and had planned to get some on the way to football practice. My first thought was.....the same news stations that call for blizzards every year and make people run out and get bread, milk and batteries.....have probably blown this "news-flash" out of proportion too.

However, on a gut feel I went out to get some gas. Sure enough every gas station on 74 in the Matthews area was out. Costco was out. Exxon, Shell, all of them.....I started to get a little worried. My jeep does not go far once it hits the empty sign. When my jeep started to "chug" because it was getting low I just headed back to the church hoping to at least roll into the parking lot. As I was on 74 south of 485, I noticed the gas station down from the church seemed to have cars lining up at it's pumps. I drove as fast as I could hoping that if I ran out....I could just roll in. When I got to the station, traffic was backing up on 74 with people not going to the station but just going down the road. With my jeep almost out and not wanting to run out on Hwy 74 I drove my jeep in the grass, over the curb and rolled into the gas line.

I was third in line for one of the pumps....I was hoping that the people in front of me would not take the last gas. I finally, got up to the pump. The only thing left was the premium at $4.24 a gallon. I did not care. I filled it up with relief on my mind. Finding a station with gas made me feel like I had won the lottery! Me and everyone else in that line would have paid $10 a gallon just to be able to get gas and get on with what we had to do that day. As I was pumping my gas....I thought, "this is crazy, I am just glad to get some gas and feel completely fortunate to be here.

Life really is about a matter of perspective. Many times what we have....we take for granted. However, when it is gone or is in scarcity mode.....we begin to miss it. We also are willing to sacrifice for or pay for things that we really deem to be necessary. What aspect of your personal life do you take for granted? What aspect of your job do you take for granted? What about church?

Would you perspective on some of these things change if all of a sudden you got a call and some said....you need to rush home because____________________ just happened.

Today's Bible Reading Luke chapter 7

Are you a "Just Say The Word" kind of follower of Jesus? Verse 9 says that Jesus was amazed or marveled at the faith of the centurion. The word used in the original language for "amazed" is a word that is only used here in all of the New Testament. Jesus loved this guy's faith. It made even Jesus stand up and take notice.

Are you a person who has faith when it comes to following God and His principles? If you know God has asked you to do something....do you do it with out asking questions or playing lawyer with God? God is looking for people who will respond to Him...."Just say the word....and I will do it."

Maybe the miracle you are in need of is not happening because you are not being obedient in your following of God's principles or maybe He has asked you to do something in faith.....and you are chicken. Remember, you can't soar with eagles when you are content to roost with the chickens!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lets Talk Land

Cool weather has hit North Carolina and our fine city. I love this time of year....especially with the top down on my jeep. This morning was a brisk ride into the office and with a few leaves beginning to change colors....it was a great morning drive.

When I pulled into the parking lot of our church campus, I once again noticed how beautiful our building and land really are this time of year. The grass is finally green again, the trees and bushes are full and lively and of course those fall colors are starting to turn. The look and feel of our campus says so much about what kind of church we are. That is why I want to invite and encourage anyone who enjoys working outside to sign up for our green team work day this Saturday. From 3-7pm we will be moving trees, planting flowers and making our campus look even better. If you can come and spend 4 hours great....if only 1...that would be great too. This will be a meaningful task for the church but also a great time for you to meet new friends who enjoy the same things you do. Plus you may even get to use a few big tools that we will need to rent!!! Moreover, if you are here around dinner time...we are going to feed you a BBQ! What a deal!

If you are interested in coming THIS Saturday to help "work in the yard" at your church....please email Thom@charlottesouth.org for more information and to sign up.

Speaking of beautiful land.....we are set to close on the 38 acres behind our current property. However, we first have to make sure the City of Matthews will rezone it for us and our intended use! PLEASE mark down Tuesday night Oct. 14th on your calendar and plan to come to the Matthews Town Hall rezoning meeting. We want to show a huge support for the dream we have as a church for our community. There may be one or two neighbors that shows up because they are not in favor of us buying the land for church use....so we need to have about 350-400 people to show up a "represent!" Plan on being there by 6:30 pm to get a seat up close.

We would like to close on the land as soon as it has be rezoned for us. Also, as a reminder, the owners of land are working with us to allow us to purchase the property over a period of time.....we will not be using our Expand Campaign money for the land...Your Expand money is going toward three specific things...the new building addition, seats for the balcony and a huge state of the art play ground for our kids!

Today's Bible Reading Luke Chapter 6

This Chapter is full of many principles and nuggets of truth that we should apply to our lives. To many for me to comment on all of them....so I will focus on one that stood out to me and maybe it will be helpful to you too.

Verses 27-36 speak about our attitude and actions toward other people. Especially those who have done something wrong to us. The principle here is that when possible we should choose to live in peace with all people....even those who treat us poorly. It is matter of Character and Inner Strength to be able to bite your tongue, not retaliate and even show kindness to a jerk. When we are able to act this way toward jerks....then we are doing something that is not natural. Jesus said....it is easy to be nice to people who are nice to you...it is easy to give someone something if you know that you are getting something god in return. A true test of a godly character is to love your enemies and bless those who curse you.....then your reward will be great.

Have any jerks in your life?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Salary Cap....Recap

Yesterday was timely. Four months ago we decided to do a family series when School started. We also determined that we would do a financial talk on September 21st. What only God could know is that the week previous was going to be the folding of major banks and mortgage institutions and the our nations economy would be so bleak......making the stress of finances in the average home a huge family challenge.

I was glad we had the message yesterday. I believe that many of us are going to have to make some wise financial choices in the weeks and months to come. I mentioned yesterday that Winning Families have a few things in common when it comes to their salary and their finances in their homes. Here is a quick review so that you can give yourself another reminder and check-up.

Winning Families Cap Their Spending: They don't spend more than they make and they don't let the attitude of entitlement and discontent influence their spending.

Winning Families Cap Their Salary: They learn to know when "enough is enough" and learn to be wise in the amount of hours they work or how they pursue a larger income. They realize that there are times in a families life setting that making more and pursing more money is the wrong thing to do.

Winning Families Capitalize On Their Salary: They make the most of what they have been given by using it in God honoring ways. They view themselves as Stewards and not owners of their resources. They view and handle their money in this order:

1) Give To Really Live. The Bible calls this a Tithe.
2) Save What You Will Need. The Bible calls this financial Wisdom.
3) Pay your bills and debts. The Bible calls this responsibility.
4) Spend and enjoy what is left. The Bible calls this a gift and a blessing.

If you feel like you are sinking financially and need wise teaching and personal help in this area.....please sign up for our 10-10-80 class this fall.

Today's Bible Reading

This is a great chapter. We see that when we follow God's ways and His principles.....we are successful. (That is why we follow God's principles for giving.) God is looking for faithful obedient people who follow with passion...not people who want to do their own thing and then tell God what He has to bless.

I also love the story of Levi. He wants to reach his lost friends so much that he throws a party with a purpose. He invites his friends to a BBQ with Jesus knowing that in the midst of eating that spiritual conversations will happen and his unchurched friends will be able to hear about the love and grace of God. Always remember that the best way people will come to Christ or come to a Home Team or to church is WHEN A FRIEND invites theme!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stinky Shoes Make Stinky Bag

My 5th grade son loves playing outside at PE and recess. (he is lucky to actually go to a school that allows kids to have recess....helps with the whole needing to move and play a little bit during an 7 hour day of school...novel thought isn't.) He brings an old pair of play shoes to play in so that when the grass is wet and dirty he does not have to wear those same shoes all day. Smart idea...however, last night he was complaining how his school bag smelled like a "stinky locker room." He said his books, papers and binder all stunk like a stinky locker room.

I was glad that he smelled that fowl spell and determined he did not like it and that it was not anything he wanted to keep in his bag......that was a good sign. However, he was perplexed on how to get rid of the smell. I told him that when he gets home from school he has to take his play shoes out of his bag and let them dry and not let them sit over night in his book bag. Sounding like a wise ancient Chinese secret philosophy I said...."Stinky Shoes Make Stinky Bag!"

Did you know the same is true in our lives. One sinful and "stinky" habit that is not taken care of can affect our whole life and eventually make the whole thing stink with the stench of sin. As we head into the weekend.....do you have a sinful habit that you know is causing your whole life to be more difficult? Why don't you do the easy and smart thing.....and get rid of the stinky thing that is causing the trouble. I don't know what that is for you.....but you do. Determine today NOT to let your whole life be affected by one continuous bad choice.

Today's Bible Reading Luke Chapter 2

Joseph and Mary.....great couple. They had so many hard things cast on them and yet they stayed faithful and trusted in the only thing they could count on. God....

Verse 10 has a great principle for all of us who are following and trusting God with all our heart....even though we don't have all the answers. The Angel had told Mary and Joseph and now is telling the Shepherds...."Do Not Be Afraid!"

Whatever comes......nothing is greater than the miracle event that happened and is told in this chapter....God came to earth. He came to be the Savior of the world. He is our only real Hope.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This past Spring I shared with you my heart that our kids were not spending enough quality time being trained in the things of God. I shared with you that I personally did not think that my son should only be engaged in "church" for 1 hour a week. That even as 1-5th graders they needed more time to have fun, learn and begin the process of having their lives revolve around the things of God and His people. Church should be a place kids and teenagers want to be....not a place they have to be!

I shared that we would create a place on Wednesday night that kids and teenagers would love to be here to hang out. A place where they could invite their friends who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a place where they could grow and learn as they mature in their faith at an age appropriate rate.

One hour a week on Sunday.....is not enough to develop a fully devoted follower of Christ in our culture today....not going to happen!

Last night was our second Wednesday night for Team Kid and Pursuit. Team kid added another 20 new kids pushing the total to 80 and our Middle/High group soared to over 120! Again, this is a fun night...but it is also a night of passionate worship and clear Bible teaching in creative ways. It is also a safe place to "hang-out" with friends. The Team Kid groups are memorizing Bible verses, reading their Bible through out the week and breaking into to small groups for a practical share time.

I want to personally think the over 40 adults who show up here each Wednesday night to help serve, lead, teach and do whatever else it takes to make this a huge night for our kids and teenagers. GREAT JOB!

Today's Bible Reading Luke Chapter 1 (Revelation was fun....glad we are moving on!)

This is a well known chapter because of the Christmas story. (speaking of which..some stores already have Christmas stuff out....ADHD moment) The one thing I want to focus on is the first few verses that sometimes get over looked. Dr. Luke makes sure that he tells his readers that the events he is going to tell about have been researched and investigated by Luke himself. The book of Luke was written in the lifetime of the people who would have been able to testify to the accuracy of it's content. Never forget that the Bible is the BEST known written literature to have stood the test of time and that it's authenticity is unmistakable as over 5,000 early manuscripts are perfectly matched. Other great writings like Homer's Iliad and works by Socrates are thought to be very accurate but have less than 10 manuscripts from that time period that can be matched up or are even in existence. The Bible has over 5,000....

One last thought.....Never forget the courage of Mary. It takes courage to follow God when you know you will be made fun of and your faith scrutinized.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Campus Location Chosen

One year ago I shared with you the vision of having one church with multiple locations. I said then, that we felt that God wanted us to go opposite of the new trend of having new campuses around the metro area using "video teaching." Instead we felt as though God was calling us to use our size and influence to go into smaller cities and start new campuses and use "live teaching."

The concept is nothing new. Missionaries have been doing it for years. The vision is based on the idea that the best way to impact a city (especially small cities in the country) is to have a pastor/teacher that the people who live there actually get to know and do life with in their context. Moreover, the pastor/teacher can speak directly to the issues of the city and of the people of that area. Cultures change from place to place and if a church is to reach that area in a complete way......they need an advocate of truth in that city.

Each campus will have the same name as ours. We will all be one church, with one budget, one vision and the like. We are excited about our new location because it is one hour away and in a place where there is not any new style churches like ours. Moreover, we feel that we can inject our DNA of church and really reach this city in all aspects....not just having a Sunday service. This area has not seen a new church plant or start in many years! It is close enough that we will be sending teams from here to help get it going, do service projects in that area and our staff can be hands on with the training and leadership of all their teams. We will be able to work together as a team church and not just a church plant that we start and are not engaged in.

Where will it be?..........It is one hour away and yet could feel like a world away. It is across the state line....but still called Carolina. I can't tell you exactly where just yet.....out of respect for the pastor/teacher who we will hire in two weeks. He will start hi training and prepping of the area for our public launch next year. Thiswill be awesome........and much needed.

Don't forget tonight is Team Kid and Pursuit.

Today's Bible Reading

One phrase to remember out of this chapter...."Behold! I am coming soon!"

Are you ready to meet God face to face? What if God were to hang-out with you in person all day today? Would you want him around?

I will be able to share with you

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Economic Down Turn

The news on Wall Street yesterday was not good.....it was shocking. As soon as I heard the news I thought..."man, this stinks!" Like most people, my first thoughts were of myself and how this will continue to affect me and our church. Then, by the grace of God and the also by the way I have trained myself to think.....I felt very blessed and fortunate. Why? How? you may ask.

I felt blessed and fortunate because unlike the thousands of people from Galveston, I received the news of Wall Street while still living in my home and not from a FEMA rescue shelter. Can you imagine what those people will have to go through in the next few months in this kind of economy while trying to rebuild their entire homes and lives.

I felt blessed and fortunate because even though major investment banks shut down and the shock waves affected the whole market and the housing bubble has burst....unlike hundreds of families that woke up on Monday, at this time, I still have a job.

Moreover, the ability to not get depressed and worried over such economic down turns has nothing to do with what I have or don't have in the bank. It has nothing to do with my paycheck, house, or whatever I can get or save. My only hope and peace comes from what I have actually given. Since the age of 12 I was taught to give back to God from the money and resources He has given me. From that time until now I have always given back to God from the money I made. The Bible asks us a question. What do you have that has not been given to you from God? What do you have that can not be taken away, stolen, lost and forever gone? Everything we have comes from God and He has asked us to always honor and trust Him by bringing back to Him a tithe (10%) of what He has graciously given us.

If we do this....He promised to always protect us and meet our needs. We will never go without. It does not say we will always be rich and have everything we want....but the promise is clear... we don't have to worry about the basics of life. He will meet our needs and more specifically He will bless us beyond measure because of our grace giving.... back to Him.

That is it.....that is why I don't worry about the stock market and the world's economic crisis. My hope and trust is in God and the promises I can claim because of my personal financial commitment to Him. I have placed my family under the umbrella of God's economic plan......that is financial security like none other.

Today's Bible Reading....Revelation chapter 21

How great did you feel as a Christian when you read verse 4. We are God's people and one day he will wipe away every hurt and pain. There will be no more death, mourning or pain. Whatever hardships we have here is only temporary. One day.....we will live in God's presence and it will be perfect. I often dream of this day for my little girl, Ellie. One day she will run and jump. She will not be "different" but very much normal. She will have no more pain in her body and one day .......she will sit and talk with us and everyone else.

Whatever you pain or tragedy here.....one day we will be with God in Paradise.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Coaches Meeting

Sunday was great! I hope that each married couple will take the Post-a-note coaches meeting insert we made for you and schedule a time for the two of you to get together at talk about the message yesterday. As a reminder, here is the three things you must do if you are to get back to that "first-love" feeling and commitment that maybe you have forgotten. (teaching taken from Revelation 2:3-5)

1) Remember what YOU use to do when the relationship first started.
2) Repent of the wrong actions YOU have started or maybe the things YOU stopped doing.
3) Return to the things you use to do that made the relationship flourish.

Three simple things to do again and on a regular basis:
1) Communicate Meaningfully
2) Serve Specifically
3) Date Creatively

When you go on your Coaches Meeting....discuss those things and move forward with the grace and power of God. On a funny note.....I had an older couple in their 60's come up to me after the service and told me it was great that I was encouraging people that it was okay to go home for lunch! HA HA

This coming Sunday I will give a message called Salary Cap. In today's tough economic times.....this is a can't miss message. Invite a friend now to attend with you.

Today's Bible Reading. Revelation 20

A few great points that we should make sure we understand from this chapter:

1) Satan is powerful....but God throws him around and places him where He wants him anytime he wants to....This is not Star Wars....where you have two equal powers. God is the highest power and does what He wants.

2) Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as Savior will spend eternity in torment with Satan in the lake of fire.

3) When each person dies.....their opportunity to accept Christ is over.

Have you given your life to Christ? What about your family and friends? We are not promised tomorrow.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ponderings

I saw on the news this morning that experts are telling people on the Texas coast....leave or face certain death. They are predicting that 25-30 ft walls of water are expected to hit with a devastating hard hitting wind. With all this information and warning.....their are residents who are saying...."we will just ride it out!"

What they are really saying is..."we are hoping that it won't be that bad and we really don't think you know what you are talking about." Of course, these will be the people that we will see news footage of Coast Guard personnel risking their lives to save from roof tops and flooding rivers. These will be the people who will have loved ones die or be injured......and will wonder "why did this happen to me?"

I don't understand that kind of thinking and decision making. All the information shows that if you stay you could very likely be killed or have to have someone come rescue your stubborn self. I also hate the fact that some one's family member will have to go in a rescue them or they get accused of not "protecting and not being prepared."

This kind of "it won't happen to me" and "I know it is wrong and personally dangerous" thinking is what also gets many of us into sin trouble. We know the consequences of sinful actions and yet stay involved. We have seen other people's lives ruined by certain actions and yet think...."It won't happen to me." When I look at my own life and the lives of others....I am more than ever convinced that most of the problems we face in our lives are brought on by our own unwise choices and the fact that we look certain sinful danger in the face and say...."I am different...it won't happen to me!" Guess what....it will and those around us will suffer for our dumb choices!

This Sunday I am going to talk about the most basic and natural thing we can do to have a winning Team Family. It will be so obvious and clear that you will not believe it can actually work. Guess what....it does. See you this Sunday for a Marriage changing message!

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 17

Yeah....this one is a chapter to read to your kids before bed! The imagery here is graphic and it should be....the evil prostitute here symbolizes the religious system of Babylon and all other religious systems that lead people away from the truth of the real Gospel of Jesus Christ. The last days will once again be filled with false prophets and a religious system that entices people to follow it and give their souls to it....however, in the end it will lead to disaster.

Once again the exact meaning of the passage is hard to pin down as far as what cities or countries are being talked about as turning to the beast and it's prostituted religious ways. One thing we do know......that anytime a church or religious movement is growing....this does not mean it is for all the right reasons. We do know that in the Bible times as well as now, their will be people who use our natural pull of wanting something spiritual to entrap us in a religious system that feels good for the moment, sounds close enough to the truth and yet in the end is a false religion that was used to capture our allegiance.

Can you think of any religious systems or leader that on the surface seem "true and right" and yet when you dig deep and look past the fancy dress, smooth speech and twisted truth....it is a prostituted image of real Christianity? Can a religion be right in some aspects but be totally wrong on the largest doctrinal issue? Most world religions want to help the poor, help kids and the like. However, does that mean that their functional truth is in line with the Bible and the Truth that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life? Be ware be smart!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kids and teenagers need more than just Sunday!

Last night we kicked off our Team Kid for 1st – 5th grade and Pursuit for 6-12th grade. It was awesome! We had over 50 kids in Team Kid and over a 100 teenagers at pursuit. Our church campus was alive with excitement as families took advantage of this great opportunity.

I personally was excited as my 5th grader asked me if he could take his Bible to school. He also came home and immediately read the entire first chapter of the Gospel of John. This is the first thing that he was asked to do in his Team Kid Play-Book to be ready for next Wednesday. This morning at our weekly breakfast meeting....he told me all the things they did and that he enjoy it! How cool is that?

All of us would agree that in sports, band, drama, karate and especially in school…..if our kids are to excel they will need to be involved in whatever it is……for more than 1 hour a week. My Pop Warner football team practices for 2 hours twice a week. If we did not…..we would stink! At the high school level they practice everyday! I wonder why so many people think they and their kids only need spiritual “coaching and teaching” one hour a week on Sunday????

I hope each person that has kids will do their best to get their kids here on Wednesday nights! It was a great time of hanging out, playing games and growing in their relationship with Christ.

As a reminder.....we need all CSF players to please choose the 9am or noon service to open up seats for our many new guest who are coming at the 10:30am service.

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 16

Armageddon.......that will be a horrible site and battle for those who are here on earth that rejected God's love and grace. Can you imagine one of your loved ones being here during that time? Did you know it is your role as a Christian to share God's truth and love with the people you know who do not know Christ? Our Sunday morning is designed as a place for you to invite people to come to a church that they will enjoy and understand....even if they have never been to church before.

Why don't you pray and ask God for courage to invite someone this Sunday. We will be talking about some simple but profound things each married couple can do to make their home life the best it can be.....it all starts with the marriage!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Image is smaller than it appears

Our great team of media staff and volunteers have been working hard to be able to video our services and then show them on the web. This ability is now up and running. You can now share your Sunday Morning experience with your family and friends who may not have joined you on Sunday. Moreover, if you miss a Sunday.......you can catch up on line.

We hope this new tool will help you creatively share your faith and spread the message of hope in Christ to your friends. Our services, my teaching style, is very different than many churches in our area and this will allow you to show them what it is like. It is not our intention that this media avenue would become a replacement to actually attending and being a part of a local church. It is for information, outreach, and a technological way of staying up with our series if you are gone.

Watching a live or recorded service on the internet should never be a replacement for active involvement at a church. It is a good first step for some and practical way of sharing your faith for all. These video recordings will not have worship as we have yet to obtain the legal license to show on our web songs that we did not write. Always remember that being a part of a local church is way more that "watching" a person teach. Again, this can be a great first step.....but never can it be considered an option in and of itself.

Also, you should know that we are still lacking in the volunteer staffing for this new ministry and have yet to purchase equipment that will enable us to get it up and running on Monday first thing. It may take 2 or more days to get it aired. When we are able to purchase the equipment.....we will have the ability for a faster turn round time.

One more thing.....due to lack of equipment....I look much "wider" in the video than I really am! The image you see is MUCH smaller than it appears.

HA HA No really it is true!

Today's Bible Reading

Do you believe that even in the midst of challenging times....that God's ways are great and marvelous? That his ways are just and true? Many times we can begin to question God's ways when we believe that he is not acting in our best interest.

Those who may get hit "again" with a hurricane this weekend may not think God is in control....but He is. A hurricane is not evil....it causes destruction that can make people sad and hurt. However, this "act of God" is not evil and most likely is not punishment. It is just.....life and sometimes life is hard...but God is always faithful.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Believe In Now

Even if you are not a big football fan...you have probably heard the name Tom Brady. The great quarterback with the GQ looks and laser right arm. He was the National Football League...MVP last year. His team, the New England Patriots, won three Super Bowls in four years and almost had a 19-0 perfect season last year.

Tom Brady is a great Quarterback who has accomplished so much in a short time that he is a lock to be in the National Football League Hall Of Fame.

On Sunday.....in the first game of the season....23 minutes into the game.....Tom Brady was hit in his knee. One hit...out for the whole season! That is the shocking reality of how sports can work. One day a hero...the next day on the sideline making no impact a all.

Life can be just like that too. One day....living the good life...the next you can be in a car wreck, be diagnosed with fast terminal cancer, a hurricane could hit, or a multitude of other things that stop you short in the path you were on. Here is a question for you to ponder today.

What meaning or purpose does your life have now that is making an impact now and for eternity? If you were to stop living tonight.....would anyone notice a big hole in their life because you are no longer impacting it. Most of us should be able to say our family would be impacted? However, in my opinion, that is the bare minimum of impact that is fully expected by those who get married and have kids. That is a basic starting pint of impact you should have! Who else besides your immediate family members would be impacted if you were forced out of the game of life?

If you cannot immediately think of people outside of your family who would be at a loss if you were taken out of the game of life.....you probably are not making much of an immediate and eternal difference in this world with your one and only life. When you think of living your life....Believe and Focus on now. You are not promised another day.

Make today count!

Bible Reading For Today Revelation Chapter 14

We should all know this....one day we will stand before the God of the universe and give an account of what did we do for Christ sake while we were given one life to live. Those who never accepted Christ and sided with the Satan will be judged for their sins and rejection of God. Those who have given their life to Christ will never be judged for the sins they committed....that is covered in Grace.....however, we will give an account for what we failed to do with the gifts, resources and passions that God gave us.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Team Family Is A Hit!

We had many new people yesterday that came seeking biblical, practical and creative teaching in the always hot topic of..... FAMILY. Brad and Rebbecca did a great job with the Wii & the Mii graphics, video and stage design. I heard new guest and old members say how helpful the entire service was for them as they think about their kids and how each one needs to know they are:

Accepted for who God made them to be!

Celebrated for what they offer to the family and the world.

Motivated to be their best!

I was also encouraged by the amount of people who are all fired up about our new Team Kid ministry that starts this Wednesday night. It will be a great place for every 1-5th grader to have fun while learning the truth of how to live according to God's word...the Bible. Moreover, they will have fun competitions and build great friendships! This Wednesday also marks the kickoff of Pursuit on Wednesday nights. Middle and High School students will take over our main auditorium each Wednesday night for a night of worship with their own band, teaching by Brad our youth pastor and tons of hang-out time with their fiends!

If you have a kid grade 1st-12th we have a great night planned for all of them each Wednesday night. Don't miss it!

*** Special Request: We need CSF Players to choose the 9am or noon service. We had two families come and leave the 10:30 service because when they walked in a few minutes late they could not find a seat to sit together....so they left.

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 13

One of the most famous chapters in this hard to understand book about the last days. This is the chapter that movies are made from....The Omen and other similar movies give a Hollywood spin on this chapter. What most people know is that their will one day be a nationally known leader who will "wow" the crowds with their charisma and wonderful speaking abilities that enables this person to draw all nations together in unity. This leader will draw attention to the quest for world peace and unity of all religions. This chapter says he will be known by the mark of the beast that is 666. During the leadership of this person many scholars believe that Christians will have already been taken by God from the world and this "anti-Christ" will make it so that you can buy or sell unless you pledge allegiance to this one world powerful leader.

Again....In my opinion, the teachings of the last days are sometimes unclear as many of the dots are not lined up for an easy tracing of the lines. However, we do know that and end will come. Also, a great teaching principle for us all is that we should always be careful of what leaders we follow. A promise of unity in religion is not always a good thing. We don't want a one world religion that are all the same. We should not follow leaders who are verbally apposed to Christian values for the sake of what is better for my wallet, world peace or anything else. Peace at any cost is not peace but many times is comprise of truth and morals.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Over the last few weeks we have heard a lot about people being vetted. That is....their background checked and every good and bad thing they have ever done being weighed. Everything they believe in is checked. Everything they have said in public and what they have said in what they thought was private. It is complete and full discloser so that when it hits the Internet....the party is prepared and can deal with it. Many Political candidates are disqualified from running if their past is to much to pass through the voters eyes.

At our staff retreat we were talking about how glad we are that in Christ their is no vetting. Our sinful past is not held against us and we do not have to worry about God telling us that that the vetting process has disqualified us from Heaven. We all have things in our past that we wish we had not done or said. We all have things that we are not proud of and are glad that we no longer engage in such things.

God's Grace covers all of the things we have done poorly in our lives. All we have to do is accept His grace and forgiveness. He will never judge us by our past. In Christ we can and should move forward in the knowledge that God has forgiven us. However, we should also seek to live our new lives in Christ with the wisdom of always thinking: "what if what I am doing now were to be known in public....what if I was vetted for all the world to see?"

This week we have invited our community to join us for a teaching series called Team Family. In this series we will talk about how each family can be winners in the real game of life. This series will be laced with God's Grace and will motivate us to be the best family we can be! Our church is a place of Grace!

Today's Bible Reading: Revelation 10

This chapter has a great "creative teaching" point. The angel gave John a small scroll that was a replica of the larger Scroll which was the Word Of God...their Bible. When John eats it....it taste like a Krispy Kream donut. However, a few minutes later....that which was sweet is settling like a bad burrito in his belly.

The meaning and the principle is this.....The truth of God found in His Bible is sweet to the taste and sound of those who are Christians and live by it. For us it is truth, grace and love. However, for those who do not believe and do not have the same
set of morals and truth principles....the Bible can be painful to live by. It's teachings mean that those who reject will not like the end times as they will live eternity separated from God.

Is the Bible sweet like honey to you....or does it make you stomach turn?

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hurricane Hanna is scheduled to make land fall Saturday night. They are not sure where it will land and if it will make it to Charlotte with more than tons of rain. I know that the schools are thinking of canceling all activities on Friday and Saturday. So......what about Sunday at church?

As far as we can tell now....nothing at CSF will change. However, if things get bad, then stay tuned to our web page and this BLOG. Plus we will send out Newsflashes to our email list.

As you know we mailed out special mailers in the mail advertising our new Message Series that starts this Sunday called....Team Family. Be thinking of a family you can invite to this great message series. Also, we need all CSF regular attendees to PARK in the back and side lots....not the front guest parking. Thanks! Together, we can help our guest feel welcomed!

Today's Bible Reading Revelation Chapter 9

This chapter reads like a scene from a horror science fiction movie. However, the tells of this great happening painful assault on the earth is not made up. Of course, know one knows the exact details of what will happen, we just know that their will come a day when this earth will no longer exist the way we know it now and the end will come. However, the book of Revelation is also a book of Hope. It tells of a new heaven and new earth and a place that all those who have followed God will live with him forever in peace. Their will be an absence of evil. Why? Because where ever Hell is.....that is where Satan and those who rejected God will spend eternity. Forever, separated by a chasm that cannot be crossed.

Ever thought about eternity and how long that is????

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

10 Year Anniversary, Christmas and a new campus

While here on our Staff Planning Retreat we have been making plans and setting strategic dates for some really great stuff:

We have discussed and landed on a a great creative idea for our best Christmas series ever and this years Christmas Eve services are going to be something real special. I can't give all the details away but I can assure you that you need to make sure you mark your calendar now for one of our three services on Christmas Eve at 2:30, 4, or 5:30.

We have mapped out an exciting year to celebrate our up coming 10 year anniversary in 2009! We have some great events planned to celebrate, remember, and most important look ahead at the next 10 years. On the night we have our 10 year anniversary party....you wont want to miss it! The plans we dreamed up yesterday had every staff member excited about being a part of that special night.

We are also putting in place the dates and strategy fro opening up our new campus. If all goes according to plan.....we will have our second campus open in a place that really needs one by early Spring. More details to come later...

I love these planning "get-a-ways" as it gives us a chance to get away from the daily task of ministry for a few days and plan out a strategic and specific vision for the upcoming year. It allows us to pray and seek the will of God for advancing God's purpose in our church. It allows us to provide for you a place that is dynamic, life-changing and one that you personally can be a special part.

Today's Bible Reading: Revelation Chapter 8

Some people jokingly look at our presidential election coming up and say to them selves.....these are the "end-times." Of course, know one knows when the "last trumpet will sound" and God will call for an end to the world as we know it. However, as we look at what the Bible describes as the end-times.......it will not be a joking matter. It will be "hell on earth" for those who live through it with out Christ.

Our main purpose as a church is to reach people so that they do not have to be on the wrong side of eternity. Never forget that. As a staff we plan everything with our purpose and vision in mind. To reach people for Christ!

This Sunday we launch a new series called Team Family. I hope you will invite a friend who needs to know the love and grace of God. The end of the world could be a hundred years from now....or it could be next month. Either way......we need to share Christ with people!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Planning Retreat

Every year at this time our pastoral staff gets away for a time to build our relationships as a team, plan the details for the upcoming ministry season, dream about what God wants for us to do as a church and of course to have fun as a group.

Over the next two days we will be thinking creatively and dreaming BIG about the direction and vision God continues to give our church. Of course we don't have it all worked out....but I can tell you this....the next six months are going to be HUGE for our church as we prepare to celebrate our 10 year anniversary in January and more importantly chart a God honoring course for the next 10 years.

The next six months will se us do much of the same things we have done....but will also see us begin many new things that we have done done. We never want to be satisfied with status-quo and we never want to be afraid of change....when change helps us continue to grow and be the church God wants us to be.

Be praying for our staff as we seek the heart of God for our great church!

Today's Bible Reading Revelation chapter 7

WOW....we are into the imagery and prophetic part of this book that talks about the "end times." Many times when we read this type of section of the Bible and others like it....we get confused and just want to quit reading. The truth is this about these sections....they are hard to understand fully everything that John is talking about and to know exactly what he is saying. Any Bible teacher who thinks they "know" it all about the teachings of Revelation and the specifics of the prophetical teachings has never really studied it in depth. The point I am making is that you should not be discouraged if it all does not make sense.

The simple take away from the last few chapters we have read in Revelation is that John is describing an end-time for the present age and world. Those who have given their hearts to God will be saved from ultimate destruction. The end of the world will come....will you and your family be ready.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

I hope you enjoy Labor Day........remember I don't BLOG on weekends or Holidays.