The news on Wall Street yesterday was not was shocking. As soon as I heard the news I thought..."man, this stinks!" Like most people, my first thoughts were of myself and how this will continue to affect me and our church. Then, by the grace of God and the also by the way I have trained myself to think.....I felt very blessed and fortunate. Why? How? you may ask.
I felt blessed and fortunate because unlike the thousands of people from Galveston, I received the news of Wall Street while still living in my home and not from a FEMA rescue shelter. Can you imagine what those people will have to go through in the next few months in this kind of economy while trying to rebuild their entire homes and lives.
I felt blessed and fortunate because even though major investment banks shut down and the shock waves affected the whole market and the housing bubble has burst....unlike hundreds of families that woke up on Monday, at this time, I still have a job.
Moreover, the ability to not get depressed and worried over such economic down turns has nothing to do with what I have or don't have in the bank. It has nothing to do with my paycheck, house, or whatever I can get or save. My only hope and peace comes from what I have actually given. Since the age of 12 I was taught to give back to God from the money and resources He has given me. From that time until now I have always given back to God from the money I made. The Bible asks us a question. What do you have that has not been given to you from God? What do you have that can not be taken away, stolen, lost and forever gone? Everything we have comes from God and He has asked us to always honor and trust Him by bringing back to Him a tithe (10%) of what He has graciously given us.
If we do this....He promised to always protect us and meet our needs. We will never go without. It does not say we will always be rich and have everything we want....but the promise is clear... we don't have to worry about the basics of life. He will meet our needs and more specifically He will bless us beyond measure because of our grace giving.... back to Him.
That is it.....that is why I don't worry about the stock market and the world's economic crisis. My hope and trust is in God and the promises I can claim because of my personal financial commitment to Him. I have placed my family under the umbrella of God's economic plan......that is financial security like none other.
Today's Bible Reading....Revelation chapter 21
How great did you feel as a Christian when you read verse 4. We are God's people and one day he will wipe away every hurt and pain. There will be no more death, mourning or pain. Whatever hardships we have here is only temporary. One day.....we will live in God's presence and it will be perfect. I often dream of this day for my little girl, Ellie. One day she will run and jump. She will not be "different" but very much normal. She will have no more pain in her body and one day .......she will sit and talk with us and everyone else.
Whatever you pain or tragedy day we will be with God in Paradise.