Monday, September 29, 2008

Goal Tending

Yesterday we completed our series Team Family with a very important message. I stated that the number one goal that each parent should have for their kids is that each one accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and that they lead a Christ honoring life.

There is no other Goal that needs "tended" to more than that one. It is crucial and eternal. As you start this new week do an inventory check of how well you believe you are doing with your "Goal Tending". Remember you as the parent are in control of your kids schedule and you must help them prioritize their life. The values that you live out (not just talk about) in the home toward God will be the ones they are most likely to live out.

Please know that our Church wants to "Team" up with you in this great endeavor of creating families that are fully devoted to Christ. Take full advantage of what we have to offer to help you. Speaking of.....our Fall Thrive workshops start this week.

Thursday Nights 7-8:30pm

Direct Connect > 2 weeks Oct 2nd - 9th
Everyday Encounters > 3 Weeks Oct 2 - 16th
How To Study The Bible > 3 weeks Oct 2 -16th
Survey Of World Religions & Cults > 4 weeks Oct 2-23
Sacred Marriage> 5 weeks Oct 23 - Nov 20
10-10-80 Financial Freedom> 3 weeks Oct 30-Nov 13th
Contagious Christianity> 3 weeks Oct 30-Nov 13th

You can go on our web site for details on each of these workshops!

Today's Bible Reading Luke 12

Today at 7:15am our President talked about the challenges of the Economy and what they are hoping to do with the bail out proposal. I think it is fitting that today's verses talk about money and stuff.

Verse 15 "watch out! be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." He then tells them the parable of the foolish and greedy farmer.

However, the great part of today's chapter is found in verses 22-34. We are told not to worry about what we have or don't have. We are comforted that we do not have to worry.....because God who loves us will meet the needs of those who trust Him with their finances and life.